There is something about him. Something strange.
School ended and Lydia, Allison and I decided to go to the mall to shop for some dresses. Prom is close and we're all about the looks, and the dates.
As we walk around the shop, we discuss the latest topics and the prom itself. "Who are you going with?" I ask Lydia the moment she checks out the dress which is hanging next to me. "Oh, I don't know. That new guy is pretty cute. Aiden? I thought" she answers while she acts like she isn't bothered. I give her a swift smirk as she quickly looks up from the dress and back. Allison walks over to us with a few dresses in her hand and joins the conversation. "Go with Stilinski" she says. A huge smile appears on my face as I stand up straight. "That'd be the best thing ever" I speak up. Lydia frowns and lets out a few chuckles. "Remember last year? Yea. Not gonna do that." "Hey! He really cares about you" I say while laughing a little. "It's either him or Aiden. A full make out session in the locker room or an amazing night with us all" Allison adds. Lydia raises her eyebrows as she continues to act like she is thinking about it. "Fine!" She softly screams out. "I'll say yes when he asks me." Allison and I both cheer and I turn around to look at Allison her dresses. "So how do you think Scott will ask you to prom?" Lydia asks Allison as I continue to help Allison pick out one of the dresses. "Something very cheesy. Maybe he'll take me out for a picnic in the woods and then ask me." I can hear Lydia laugh. "What about you?" Allison asks and I can feel her eyes which are focused on me. "Me?" I ask while looking up. "You and Isaac." "Oh, well honestly. I don't know. I don't really expect something big or at least I'm not hoping for it, but also I do hope he asks me in a cute way." Lydia and Allison share a glare and frown. I roll my eyes and chuckle. "What do you expect?" "Not much" I say back to Allison. "So how is he doing?" Lydia asks while raising the pitch of her voice a bit. "He's- He's doing ok" I answer while I let out a small sigh. "He looks happier." I nod at Lydia her comment and softly smile. "He's still fighting some of his demons, but he's winning, to say it like that." Lydia presses her lips together as they form into a soft smile and Allison looks down to the floor while she strokes her loose hair behind her ear. "And what about you and him?" Allison then asks after she lifts her face up again to look me in the eyes. "We're good. Great actually" I ask in a bit of an inquiring tone while I hesitate on what to say. Allison and Lydia give each other another look, like they usually do, and Lydia speaks up again. "You know... You're his first love interest... As far as I know he never really had anything like this. Are you sure he knows how to handle this? And can you? I mean he's still broken." I think about what she just let out and look down to the floor. "I won't tear him apart and he knows that. He trusts me. That's what he needs right now. He's vulnerable around me and he trusts me not to take advantage of that. He's been let down and he has lost the ones who stood closest to him. He needs someone who will stay and support him in order for him to heal." Lydia and Allison don't open their mouths, but instead they let out a sweet and warm smile. "So let's try on some dresses!" I say and turn around to give them both a funny look over my shoulder as I raise my eyebrows multiple times.
I unlock my car as I hear a soft growl coming from besides me. As I stand still for a second to think about the sound, I realize the kind of sound. I immediately step into the car and start it. As I drive away quickly I notice a figure standing against a motorcycle. I stop the car for another second and frown. "Is he a..." I softly let out. As his stare focusses on me, I notice another thing... I immediately grab my phone, as quick as possible, as I drive away. I watch how the boy continues to lean against his bike as he watches me. "Scott? Scott.. There's another werewolf in Beacon Hills" I let out the moment he picks up the phone.
Chapter 27: Unexpected

Isaac Lahey: Lights Down Low
Fanfiction"You can stay here.. For as long as you want" He nods and a small smile appears on his face which quickly fades away again. He clears his throat and answers with a soft "Thank you."