"You can stay here.. For as long as you want" He nods and a small smile appears on his face which quickly fades away again. He clears his throat and answers with a soft "Thank you."
"Hey! You okay?" A voice says. "We need help. Come to Stiles' place, please." "I'll be there in five."
I immediately stop the car the moment I arrive at Stiles' house. As Allison and I jump out of the car we notice 'our help' has arrived. I smile within a second and walk up to him. "Good to see you again" I say as he gives me a bright, wide smile. "What's so urgent?" He asks as I look behind me. Allison is holding the front door open. "Long story. Let's get inside first."
"You called DEREK?!" Stiles softly yells. "DEREK FREAKING HALE." I raise my eyebrows as Stiles continues to look at me with an open mouth. "I had four options. Derek is the best option, trust me." Stiles chuckles softly. I notice his doubt. "It was either Argent, Peter, the twins or Derek." Stiles looks at the floor before answering me. "And we need their help... because?" "Oh we so need their help" Lydia speaks up from behind Stiles. She's sitting on the couch with Allison next to her. Derek is standing next to the couch. Right now Allison is informing him about the whole situation, well... She was until she got interrupted by Lydia who decided to join in on our conversation. "Wha!- What?! What makes you think we can't do this without them?" "Weren't you the one who let them leave?" Derek says grumpy as he leans against the wall with his arms crossed. Stiles turns himself towards Derek his direction. "Weren't you the one who bit Isaac which turned him into a werewolf which basically brought him and all of us into this supernatural mess..." Stiles replies. "At least you've got some action in your life now. Not the type of action you were hoping for, but it's something." "For your information, I have enough action away from all this." Stiles answers as he tries to defend himself. "Your pillow doesn't count Stiles" Derek replies once again, before pushing himself away from the wall. After a few chuckles we lay our focus back on the situation again. "The Death Destroyer of the Night..." Derek softly says as he sits himself down on the chair in front of the couch. "So we know nothing about this... person?" Derek looks up from the floor to us. "But he hypnotized them..." Derek repeats. We all keep quiet for a moment. "He's not just human" Lydia says as she keeps her stare stuck on the floor. "He could just be a magician, you know" Stiles says. He obviously doesn't want Derek to get involved in this and he surely doesn't want him to be right.
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"So all we know is... he's a supernatural hunter who hunts on the supernatural?" Allison asks to be exact about the whole situation. We all nod while we give each other some troubled, worried looks. "Found anything related to hypnosis?" Derek asks as he looks at Stiles who's now sitting on the couch next to Allison and Lydia. He looks back at Derek and notices how Derek glares over at the book which is laying, on the table, in front of Stiles. Stiles raises his eyebrows in a quick movement as he jumps up to reach the book. "Oh, well no.. no not really. I wasn't really... sure... what to search." Stiles looks around the room as he waves the book around. I softly chuckle because of Stiles his actions. Derek looks at Lydia and Allison. "Oh no, no.. not really" Lydia answers and looks at Allison who shakes her head slowly. Derek takes a deep breath before looking at me. He has a grumpy, strict expression on his face. I lift my eyebrows a little and give him a small smirk.
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"Do you think your father knows anything about this hunter?" I ask Allison who puts her hands into each other. "Yea, yea I think so. Could be." "Why don't we just invite the rest of the "tried to kill us- pack." I chuckle softly at Stiles his comment. "I think we should" I answer before looking up at Stiles. "Are you ki-" "No, listen. The twins saw him and maybe Peter knows more about him? It's worth a try, right?" I interrupt Stiles before he can finish his sentence. Stiles nods, but continues to look at the floor. "She's right" Allison agrees. I look over at Lydia who is nodding along. "So you agree?" I ask to be sure. I look back at Stiles who keeps himself quiet. "Stiles?" I ask which causes all eyes to be on him. He observes me and the others and nods slowly. "If they try anything I-" "We won't hold you back."