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I'm sitting on the couch, binge watching my all time favorite show on netflix, Greys Anatomy.

Ryan and Brendon were gone, so I had the house all to myself. My phone buzzed, signaling that I had a text or something. I picked it up, turning on the screen.

Ry🏃🙌: hey cami, I'm at taco bell what do you want

2 chalupas plz, and a coke 😄

Ry🏃🙌: okay see u in a bit

I locked my phone, continuing my greys anatomy marathon.

Not more than 10 minutes later, Ryan and Brendon came bustling through the door, along with two other guys whom I did not know.

"FOOD!" Brendon screams at the top of his lungs.

"SHUT UP! USE YOUR INSIDE VOICE!" Ryan retorts, screaming just as loud.

"None of you are using your inside voices." I say, taking the bag of food out of Ryan's hand.

"Hey babe." Brendon whispers, smiling at me.

I blushed. Babe, wow.

I glanced over at Ryan, who was giving Brendon his signature evil eye. I giggled at the sight, grabbing my food out of the bag.

"Oh! Camilla, these are my other two friends Jon and Spencer." I smiled, and shook both of their hands.

I went back into the living room, sitting the couch as the boys grabbed their food and came back to the living room as well.

Brendon and Ryan both darted over to me, but there was only one seat next to me because I was seating on a loveseat.

"Bro, I should sit here." Brendon said, trying to sit down.

"I want to sit there." Ryan argues, pushing Brendon off the seat, replacing himself on the seat.

"I need to sit here." Brendon retorts, grabbing Ryan's legs and dragging him off the couch.

"Why? So you can make out with her on it? Is that the reason?" Ryan yells, throwing his hands up.

"No Ryan! What the hell are you talking about?" Brendon yells, getting angry.

"Oh, don't tell me that you and her haven't been oh so cuddly these past few days shes been here!" Ryan says, looking at him and me.

"I am just trying to be friendly!" Brendon says, putting his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, very 'friendly'." Ryan says, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"STOP!" I screamed, causing them both to turn to look at me, their faces softening.

"I get enough of this at home. Can you please get over yourselves and stop fighting over where you're going to sit?" I said, getting up from the couch and sitting in the recliner in the back.

"What are you doing?" Ryan asks, confused.

"I am going to sit alone, since you two seemed to want the couch more than I did. Obviously since you were fighting over it." I said.

Both the boys faces dropped and they hung their heads low, flopping onto the couch.

I looked at both Jon and Spencer, who looked clueless as to what just happened.

I mouthed an 'I'm sorry' to them, and they both nodded.

We all ate our food in silence, except for the sound of a movie that Ryan put on.

By the time everyone was finished, the movie was over.

"I'm gonna go take Spence and Jon home, I'll be back." Ryan says, getting up and walking to the front door, Spencer and Jon following him.

"Nice to meet you guys!" I said, but the door already closed.

A few minutes later, Brendon broke the silence.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"It's fine." I said looking at him, his head down.

"No it's not. I don't want you to feel like the way you do at your house. I want you to be stress free, and not have to be reminded of that, and me and Ryan just ruined that." Brendon says looking up now.

I walked over to him, sitting on the seat next to him and wrapped him in a hug.

"Bren, it's okay, promise. You didn't ruin anything. You guys are my home." I said my head in his chest.

He just sighed, hugging me tighter.

"You are my home."


Demons ( A Brendon Urie a.u ) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora