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Camilla's POV:

We arrived at the house, the awkwardness getting bigger as I took more steps into the house.

Brendon advanced in front of me, putting the keys into the lock of the door and softly pushed it open.

"Welcome to your new home." He said, opening the door farther.

"Wow, this is really nice Brendon." I smiled, putting my bags down.

He chuckled, "Thank you."

He took my hand and lead me upstairs, and we stood in front of two rooms.

"If you would like your own room, I have a spare bedroom or I can share mine with you." He suggests.

"I sleep in the spare one, it'll be less awkward." I said, taking my stuff and placing it in the guest room.

"Okay. Um, well, it's getting late so I am going to bed. You don't have to go to sleep though." He says, he even looks tired from the rude awakening that happened this morning.

"Okay." I whisper, and go in towards the room.

"Wait, um... If you need anything please wake me up okay?" He asks softly.

I nod, and proceeded into the room.

I lightly shut the door, and found a pair of his sweatpants on the bed.

I smiled lightly to myself as I put them on, sliding into the cozy blankets. My eyes shut and I tried to go to sleep. Nothing was working.

I tried to think of what would be better, but I would wake Brendon up to do so.

Then again, it would be the only way to fall asleep.

I stood up slowly, and walked over to the door, it making a loud noise as I opened it. I winced, as took more steps towards his bedroom, and I opened his door.

He was not sleeping but he was writing in some sort of book, the lamp beside him turned on.

His head turned towards me, a small smile placed on his lips.

"Sorry I don't mean to bother you but I can't sleep without you right next to me because I feel safe and your warm unlike the bed and-"

"Babe, slow down, you don't bother me! I wanted you to sleep in here because I felt the same way." He paused for a minute to look me up and down, a goofy grin growing on his face. "You look so adorable in my clothes Cami."

I blush and look down at the gray sweatpants that pooled by my ankles on the floor, no matter how many times I rolled these up.

"Come lay here with me." He whispered, patting the spot next to him.

I shyly smiled as I trudged over to the bed, laying down and putting the blankets over me. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to his heater of a body. He placed the book and pen on the bedside table and turned the light off.

He turned back over to me, placing his other arm around me, his head resting in the crook of my neck.

"Bren, if you don't mind l me asking, what were you writing in that book?" I whispered, and he chuckled, it sounding louder since he was closer.

"Writing songs." He replied, "I do it all the time."

"That sounds cool." I yawned, my eyes feeling heavy.

He chuckled again, " Yeah, I guess it is."

Demons ( A Brendon Urie a.u ) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora