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Trigger Warning**

Bright light shone through my closed eyelids, making me wake up and squint my eyes. I felt arms wrapped around me and soft snores coming from the other side of the bed.

I tried to sit up a bit more but the arms wrapped around me got much tighter. I whipped my head around to find Ryan with his mouth slightly parted, drool slowly pooling on his pillow. Gross.

I managed to pry his arms off of me without waking him up. Then again, he is a pretty heavy sleeper.

I stood up, feeling a warm substance on my skin. I looked down, finding the ice cream from last night spilled all over my shirt. I groaned and went into Ryan's bathroom, immediately taking a quick shower.

Afterwards, I put on the outfit I had on before going to Ryans. I left a small note and stuck it on his forehead, saying sorry about the shirt, and that it was a easy stain to clean.

I climbed out of the window, successfully this time. As I was walking to my house, the nervousness growing in the pit of my stomach grew bigger with each step I took. When I got there, I heard more yelling and screaming. Oh great, mom drank.

Yet again.

I opened the door quietly, trying to attract the least amount of attention as possible. Too late. "Where have you been?" My mother yelled, eyes glued to the back of my head.

I scoffed, "You would know I left if you and dad stopped fighting." I immediately regretted what I said when my mother grabbed me by the back of my shirt, and pushed me against the wall, me gasping loudly. "Why do you think you can talk to your own mother like that?" She said lowly, with a sickly smile on her face.

I glared at her before saying, "Your not acting like one, mother." She gave me a look of disgust, and soon after that, spit in my face. She was not my mother. At least she isn't inside that body of hers.

She laughed and shoved me, knocking me to my butt. She then laughed even more then left. I crawled upstairs and locked myself in my room. I sat in my bed and sobbed, sobbed, and sobbed some more.

After about an hour, I put on makeup to cover up the red marks that the tears stained on my pale cheeks.

I walked over to my phone after I was done and I texted Ryan, asking if I could stay over for a couple more nights. I quickly packed more stuff, assuming he would say yes, then a few minutes later he replied with a yes. I told him I'd be there in a few minutes.

I sighed happily with a small smile on my face. It quickly vanished when I heard a loud knocking on my door and screaming from my mom. I grabbed my stuff then headed to my bedroom door opening it. She grabbed me and dragged me downstairs, and pushed me off the last step.

I fell to the ground, flinching as I hit the hardwood floor. She looked down at me, "Where are you going?" She yelled.
I looked up at her and didn't say anything.

"Oh, are you ignoring me?" She yelled even louder, her voice bouncing off the walls of the house.

I kept my mouth shut.

"You know what happens when you ignore me?" She screams, picking up the vase next to her, and aiming it at me. At my head actually.

I screamed and I heard the front door behind me slam open. My mom dropped the vase, turning it to shards on the floor. I felt strong arms wrap around me, dragging me out of the room.

My mother was screaming, not at me, but because she accidentally stepped on one of the glass pieces on the floor. Ouch.

I was dragged outside, and into a car that I soon recognized as Ryans. I made myself comfortable, even though the bruises on my body made that difficult.

I heard the door next to me open and the boy that got in was indeed not Ryan.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, school had me busy and everything. By the way, thank you for reading! It means a lot to me! Stay alive guys. |-/

Demons ( A Brendon Urie a.u ) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora