How you meet Jeremy Gilbert

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You are a part of the donavon family, vicki is your sister and Matt is your brother. One night you are invited to go to a party with your sister (this rarely happens) so you do. When you arrive at the party, no surprise, vicki leaves you to go and hang out with all of her friends and her kinda boyfriend Tyler. She also likes someone called Jeremy but she can never choose just one. Not long after vicki you head into the party all alone. To get involved a bit you go to the bar and get a drink even though your under aged. You glance over to your left and you can see Tyler all over vicki (It's so gross for you) you look away to the other side of the room and you spot Someone staring at Vicki and Tyler. You feel like it's Jeremy as you thought that he would be jealous of them together so you go over to him and say "Are you alright you seem distracted?"
He replies with "I'm fine, thanks....Wait who are you"
"Oh right sorry, my name is-" "Are you Jeremy by any chance?" You ask
"Yeah, how did you know" he replies
"My sister talks about you all the time and i can see the way you look at her.
"Well she likes Tyler and thats that, shes never going to go for me." after what he said you notice that vicki really doesn't like Jeremy at all, but you do.

(Couldn't find a gif of Jeremy 😕)

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