He hurt [Y/N] by accident

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Damon and Klaus were fighting in the middle of the woods, stabbing each other with broken twigs, trying to aim for the heart. Even though you can't kill an original, nothing was stopping Damon from trying. Before it had all started he had told you to get away, but you didn't, you hid behind one of the trees, one that isnt close enough for them to see you. As Klaus almost got Damons heart you stepped back in shock and stepped on and snapped a branch creating a loud sound. Klaus looked to his right, straight at you and within a second his hands were around your neck. Damon pleaded to let you go he even suggested his own life. Klaus said that that was too easy. When Klaus wasn't looking, Damon picked up a rock to try and throw using his strength and speed however it hit you instead, right on the head, and you were close to passing out in klaus' arms. Klaus grinned smugly and looked at Damon and said, what a fun game, and dropped you on the floor and left. As you closed your eyes slowly you could just make out Damon repeatedly apologising and fear on his face. What had he done.

*                    *                    *

I will write another one on here later, i just wanted to publish something. Enjoy x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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