The things you like best about him

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-His smile
-His amazing charm
-His body
-His hair
-His dress sense
-His abilities
-His eyes
-How dangerous he is
-The amount of love he has for you
-The way he looks at you
-The way he says i love you
-The way he challenges you
-His dark and mysterious self
-The way he kisses you


-His hair
-His eyes
-His smile
-His attitude and positivity
-His respect for you
-His loyalty
-The poems and things he writes for you
-The mystery
-His humanity
-His book choice
-His laugh
-The fact that he's athletic
-How he looks in a sport kit
-When he gives you the biggest hugs
-When he kisses you every time you part and when you meet again
-His choice in music
-His intelligence


-His danger
-His family bond
-His love for you
-His undivided attention for you
-The way he treats you
-His voice
-His body (especially his arms)
-The way he kisses you and reassures you that your his
-His taste in music
-The fact that he is your best friend so you can tell him anything
-When he gives you gifts for no reason. Just because he loves you


-His edge
-His body
-The fact that he is very athletic so you do a lot of outdoor things together like running/jogging/hiking etc
-His hair
-They way he stands up to people
-His confidence
-The way he kisses you
-You can tell him anything as he's trust worthy
-The fact that he is actually sensitive beneath all the confidence so he tells you a lot of things that he goes through
-The way he looks at you, as if your a goddess
-The nickname he has for you
-The fact that he became a better person just for you


-His blue eyes
-His hair
-Him being sporty
-His dominance
-His smile
-His personality
-The fact that he is your best friend
-He's trustworthy
-His body
-The time he spends with you
-The way he looks at you
-His bond with his family
-His control
-His humanity
-His vulnerability
-His weird laugh that makes you laugh


-His Mystery
-His control when he's with you
-His laugh (which rarely happens)
-The fact that he is sentimental
-The bond he has with the rest of his family (The strongest one on TVD)
-His commitment
-The fact that he let you in (even though it took a while)
-His accent
-His smile
-His patience
-His artwork
-The fact that he is a tradition guy
-Doesn't take you for granted (like past boyfriends)
-Protects you with his life
-The way he looks at you
-His power and dominance
-His good looks
-When he trusts you with private things
-When you travel with him (to places like New Orleans)
-His taste in music
-His personality
-His independence


-His smile
-His laugh
-His trust and belief in you
-His passion
-The way he loves you
-How romantic he always is
-The way he looks at you
-His protection over you
-How smart he is (in both dress sense and mentality)
-How he shows his affection
-The things he gives you
-Him telling you that your beautiful every day
-His loyalty
-His patience
-His kindness
-Him always putting others first (selflessness)


-His charm that you didn't want to fall for but you did
-His sarcasm
-The banter between you
-His eyes
-His devilish smile
-His power/magic
-His trust he has in you
-His loyalty
-His outrageous laugh
-His protection over you
-Him never being serious and always messing around
-His body

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