How you meet Malachai Parker

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You are out with your friend Bonnie Bennet, (you know that she is a witch) in the evening. It's really late at night and you're walking home from the grill with Bonnie. You walk to the edge of the pavement ready to cross over to the other side of the road and before you step onto it Bonne does. As shes halfway there, there is a sudden swerve from a car, around the corner. You scream for Bonnie to move out of the way, but it's too late. She was hit. On the floor, bleeding. After that event had just happened the driver that was in the car, turned around and drove slowly towards them both. By now you were crying and screaming for help, calling Damon on your phone. No answer. The car stopped and an unknown figure stepped out calmly. Not in any rush at all. Not showing any concern.
Bonnie was still alive, you could see her breathing. Thank God.
The figure walked closer and closer until you were able to see his face.
He opened his mouth and just said
"The name's Kai, and next time it will be fatal"
At this point you were thinking :what a psychopath.
"I know everything, what they are... Your friends, and i think you know what I am so theres no point in calling the police."
After that he just turned around and walked away as if nothing happened.
Then suddenly you remember something , you know who Kai is, Bonnie has been telling you about him and his psycho behaviour as he was tying to kill her. Bonnie.

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