Chapter 1 ~ Decisions, Decisions

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"Andromeda! Andromeda wake up! They're here!" The sound of my friend Thalia's terror ridden voice awoke me from my deep slumber. "Who's here?" I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and sitting up in bed. "The First Order!" She replied, her warm amber eyes wide in fear. I grabbed my laser gun and got to my feet, following Thalia out of the tent.

My name is Andromeda Kalane, daughter of Anastasia Kalane, a lieutenant in General Leia Organa's army. I live on the forest planet Naboo, and while my mother is on a mission to protect the galaxy, I'm in charge of protecting my beautiful home and the people residing on it. My job is simple, keep the peace and allow those around me to prosper. I'm nineteen years old and I've been raised to be a leader ever since I was little. I know my mission like the back of my hand, and I refuse to let anyone hurt my people.

Recently, my mother's most trusted advisor came back to Naboo from the base on D'Qar, informing me of the details they had received about the First Order's plan to invade the planet. Together, we organized a plan of escape and battle. The advisor, Sakun Solma, would take as many of the women and children as he could gather and send them to Tatooine in escape capsules. The men would go next. On the other hand, I would stay with the soldiers on Naboo and fight until the villages were clear or the First Order retreated.

As I emerged from the tent and onto the open ground, I quickly realized the plan would need to be set into action. "Solma!" I called. The flaxen haired commander ran to my side, shooting a nearby Stormtrooper in the chest. "I suppose Plan T is a go." He smirked, sweat glistening as it dripped down his temple. "Yes. Go now, and hurry!" I ordered. He nodded, running to gather the villagers. Thalia remained at my side, brandishing her weapon. "Go with him." I urged, tapping her shoulder. "You're my best friend! I'm not leaving you." She argued, tugging on my arm insistently. "I am in charge here! Sakun is your fiancé and I am ordering you to follow him." I told her. She sighed deeply in resignation before hugging me one last time and running after her husband to be.

Turning on my heel, I ran into the fray of battle. Lasers of sapphire, violet, emerald, gold, and crimson shot through the dark sky, tousling my long hair and flying passed me, tearing my clothes. Stormtroopers were overwhelming our numbers, and my heart rate accelerated as I practically flew over the ground, shooting with unmatched accuracy at any white helmet I saw.

But something caught my eye from behind a nearby waterfall. A small head was poking out, staring at the fighting with an expression full of fear. I tore across the mossy ground, stopping outside of the waterfall and realizing with horror that a child had been left behind. I skidded to an ungraceful stop beside him, gasping for breath. The child was small, only about six years old, and he was trembling, backing into the darkness. To my relief, he was not alone, as there were about four more children and three women with him. How am I going to save them? My brain was in overdrive, feeling their frightened gazes focused on me, and hearing the sounds of the battle draw closer. I looked around, seeing a nearby cavern. "Quickly! Hide in here! They won't even know you're there." I told them, pointing across to the other side of the river. They exchanged glances before doing as told, scurrying across the slippery rocks and into the dark mouth of the cave. "Stay here and stay down." I whispered, moving to cover the opening with moss and branches.

Suddenly a red laser soared over my head, grazing my ear. I gasped in surprise and rounded, preparing to fight. Well this isn't good. I thought. I was surrounded by at least a dozen stormtroopers. The sounds of lasers, fights, screaming, shouts, and collisions filled the night air, chilling me to the bone. "Stay away!" I growled, aiming my gun at the foremost man. "Stand down." One of the white clad figures responded. "Never." I hissed. Emotions were making my head spin. I had to stop this, but how? I let out a strangled screech of frustration, knowing all was lost. I was completely alone and totally surrounded. I couldn't kill all of these men. There were too many for me to take on by myself. Plus, I couldn't abandon these villagers. There was nowhere for any of us to run either. As if in response to my fear and frustration, there was a concussion. A boom then silence that led to a ringing in my ears. I suddenly felt very powerful, some sort of red fury surging through my veins, causing me to thrust my hand outward instinctively. White bodies flew in every direction, hitting trees and boulders and falling into the water. My eyes widened in shock. "What the..." I murmured, looking between my hand and the scene around me. Did I do this? How?

The smell of fire and ash burned my nostrils as I moved forward slowly, examining the aftermath of whatever had just happened. The sharp crack of a twig snapping followed by a loud buzzing made me look back up in front of me. What I saw next made my jaw drop. There was a dark, hooded figure walking toward me. His stride was purposeful and deliberate, and he looked very powerful. He was cloaked in onyx fabric, nearly impossible to see under the cover of the inky night sky. But he was holding a blood red lightsaber, and wearing a mask of shiny silver and black metal. It can't be.... Why would he be here? I thought. Kylo Ren. The Commander of the First Order... I swallowed thickly, gripping my laser gun even tighter, the effort visible through my whitening knuckles.

Somehow, I gathered my courage and met what I hoped were his eyes. "Stay back! I'm warning you! I'm not afraid to hurt you!" I shouted, voice shaking nervously. Oh that'll scare him. You're just beaming with confidence, aren't you? My inner voice snarled sarcastically. The figure stalked even closer. "I am Kylo Ren. Master of the Knights of Ren and Commander of The First Order. You needn't be afraid of me, girl." He announced, his voice deep and mechanical. "You! Why should I trust you! You're a monster, a murderer, a traitor, and I'd rather die than stand by and let you kill these people!" I growled in response. What is he playing at? If you're going to kill me then just do it! I thought, confused by his lack of aggression. "If you come with me, I will let them live. No one else needs to be hurt." He said calmly. My jaw fell. What? Why me? I wondered wearily. But I decided to test the waters further. "Give me your word that no harm will come to anyone else here, and I will go with you." I replied, eyeing him carefully. A heartbeat of silence passed between us. "So be it. You have my word." He relented.

What should I do? This was never part of the plan. If I go, I'm leaving these people. If I don't, we'll all die for sure... But at least if I go, he will kill me and not them. The few for the many I suppose... But how can I trust him? Stupid question. I can't. I can only hope he will keep his word... What do I do? My mind reeled endlessly, but I knew Kylo Ren would not be patient for long. I glanced back at the women and children in the cave and around at the surrounding battles. My comrades didn't stand a chance. Men were falling every second. There was only one option to end the bloodshed. I took a deep breath and met what I assumed to be his gaze. "Alright. I'll go with you. But call off your troops first. You've already won." I told him, stepping closer to close the distance between us. He loomed over me threateningly, as if perplexed by my bold attitude. Don't get me wrong, I was scared. There was no denying that. But I wasn't going to let this disgusting excuse for a human being walk all over me like he had so many others. "Very well. Come." He finally nodded, leaning back and making a signal with his hand toward what I assumed was his second in command, and then motioning for me to follow him.

Sighing, I trailed behind the tall man through the fire and trees, heading away from the waterfall. I took one last look at my home, doubting I'd ever see it again. Kylo Ren was silent the rest of the way, stopping only when he seemed to think I was slowing down. In all honesty, I was only falling behind because I had shorter legs and was struggling to keep up with his brisk pace, though I'd never tell him that. We walked through brush and forest until we came to his ship, shining menacingly in between the trees. I swallowed the lump in my throat, gazing at it anxiously. A second later, a hand pressed against my head, and then everything went black.

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