Chapter 31 ~ Rebirth

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Three wondrous years have passed since the Battle at D'Qar. The base there still functions, keeping an eye on things across the galaxies, making sure that the First Order has not regained power. Leia, Han, and Chewbacca chose to stay there, living in a small, humble home right in the center of the bustling workers. Master Luke had also stayed on D'Qar, deciding to live with his sister and brother-in-law until more Force-sensitives were discovered for him to train. Rey and Finn had chosen to station themselves back on Jakku, Rey's home planet, to protect the people there from anyone who may try to harm them. Orusa and Kanatu chose to head for the Citadel, where they soon married and began to build their home. Braylen and Poe also married, surprisingly, but stayed on D'Qar to be close to work. Coran had also stayed behind, having done so well in the medic tent that he had advanced in rank until he was head doctor, in charge of an entire team of medical professionals. On the other hand, Thalia, Sakun, Solaria, and my mother accompanied Ben and I back to Naboo.

However, this was after Ben and I had spent another year at the base before deciding that it was time for us to walk our own path. Like Ben had said during our honeymoon, my former home would be a perfect place to settle down, at least for the time being. He and I could also be Leia's eyes on Naboo, living in peace but still serving the Resistance loyally.

Of course, whenever there was suspicion of the First Order gaining power once again, we would go take care of the situation for her. We often visited our friends, taking little day trips to say hello and see everyone. But most of the time Ben and I stayed on Naboo. We had built a small home on the outskirts of my village, but it was a short walk to and from my mother's. It was in a little meadow, next to a nice pond perfect for swimming on hot days. The grass behind our home was short but soft, spacious enough for us to train everyday, honing our skills with the Force and our lightsabers. Our home had four rooms, a living area, a bathing chamber, our bedroom, and a spare room. Ben had built himself a little shelf where he kept his grandfather's lightsaber, a reminder of how the light of the sun can overpower even the darkest eclipse. For being a prince first and then a Sith, and then a Jedi, he was very good with his hands. He was a very talented builder when he wanted to be.

Everything was absolutely amazing. However, nearly a month after Ben's twenty ninth birthday, I woke up one morning to find myself kneeling on the bathroom floor, head hung over the toilet and puking my guts out. An intense wave of nausea had hit me, bringing all of my dinner up from the night before, and then some. The sounds of my gagging must've woke Ben up, because moments later, my hair was being pulled back away from my face and a large hand was rubbing circles on my back. Though the action was soothing, it did nothing to help my stomach and I continued to heave. "'s okay...I'm here..." He whispered, voice hoarse from still trying to wake up. After nearly ten painful minutes, I coughed up the rest of the flem and leaned back, flushing the bile and food down the plumbing. Ben pulled me back against him, rubbing my head gently. "Are you okay now?" He asked. I nodded, still trying to catch my breath. "Did you eat something bad last night?" "I don't...know...but...I...think...I'm fine." I managed. Ben kissed my hairline and hummed, helping me to relax again. "Come on, let's get you back to bed." He told me, wrapping his arms around me and carefully getting to his feet, carrying me back to our room. A few hours later, I was feeling fine, and I brushed the illness off to something I had ate.

The next morning though, the cycle repeated itself, only this time Ben felt me get out of bed. I heard his footsteps pounding on the wood behind me as I darted across the hall and collapsed in front of the toilet again. Once more, food and bile spewed out of me, the sight making me feel even worse and causing my body to react twice as bad. Ben sat beside me, wiping my face and head with a cool wet cloth. Though this bout of nausea wasn't as long as the first, it was still just as bad. "God..." I gasped, finally able to breath again. Ben was shaking his head. "Have you been in contact with anyone that has been ill recently?" He finally asked. I shook my head negatively. "Not that I know of, I mean, there is a possibility of picking something up in the village, but everyone I know is perfectly healthy. It could be just me. I've been getting really bad headaches recently. I guess I'm coming down with something." I frowned, cupping my head in my hands. Ben sighed and rubbed my back again, easing the stiff muscles in my shoulders. "It's going to be a long morning..." He mumbled. "I'm sorry, Ben. Go back to bed. I'll be okay." I prodded. I felt bad that he kept having to deal with this. If I was sick it was my problem, not his. "No. I'm staying." "No, you need your sleep. Go." I urged. Ben shifted closer to me, hugging me from behind. "No. I'm staying here and that's final. We'll go back to bed when I know you are going to be alright." He retorted. I reached down, placing my hand over his. "Thank you." I whispered.

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