Chapter 27 ~ Earning A Place

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As General Organa had said, Master Luke and Rey were waiting beside building 272 when Ben and I arrived. "Come along. We are losing daylight." Master Luke told us as we neared. Rey rolled her eyes at us and began to walk away. Master Luke moved to walk in front of her, leading our small group into the nearby forest. Ben and I stayed next to one another, unsure of what we were going to be experiencing henceforth.

A tense, apprehensive silence fell upon the four of us. Minutes passed as we trudged up the uneven hills and across the dense brush covering the forest floor. Sunlight streamed through the treetops, dappling the dirt and grass with a golden hue. The humidity kept my already damp skin slick with sweat.

Finally, there was a break in the trees, exposing us to a circular clearing covered in nothing but dry dirt and cracked earth. "We're here." Master Luke announced, coming to a stop on the outskirts of the plantless field. The rest of us halted in our tracks, waiting for him to continue. "As I have told Rey on numerous occasions, we do not have the time that is properly needed in a crisis like this for me to train you in every single way of the Jedi. We cannot afford to waste time teaching people who may not be of benefit to our cause. So I must know, now, at this very moment and every moment from here on, where you stand. Andromeda Kalane. Ben Solo. Make your choice. And know that if you betray us, there will be consequences." Master Luke told us. We each took a deep breath. I looked over at Ben, searching his eyes for any hesitation. "Last chance, Ben. It's now or never. We can't go back on this. Are you sure you want to go through with it?" He stared back at me, unfaltering, determined, and with all the loyalty he could convey. "This is the life I want to lead now. With you by my side. I'm sure." His words echoed in my head.

Nodding at each other a final time, Ben and I turned and looked at Master Luke and Rey. "We want to join you. To train in the ways of the Jedi." I stated firmly. "Then so be it." Master Luke clasped his hands together, the bionic limb clanking against the flesh on his left palm. Then he motioned outward, as if he was signalling or me to step further into the clearing. "Before we begin today's lesson, I ask that you explain your previous experience so I know what I must work on with you." Master Luke explained. Ben stepped forward then, diverting the prying gazes of the two Jedi in front of us. "Snoke taught me hand to hand combat, both offensive and defensive, the ability to read minds, to bend people at my will, and move objects with the Force alone. I have passed these skills onto Andromeda. She was nearly finished with her training when we escaped." Ben told Luke, a small smirk on his lips. He was gloating just a bit, which I didn't mind. He was always so humble when it came to how he had taught me. He deserved the recognition for being such a great mentor. Master Luke tapped his chin. "Very well. You both certainly have a wide range of abilities. There is still a lot left for you to learn, but you are far further along than I expected. So with that out of the way, I'd like for you two to demonstrate your training so that I can watch and critique." He finished. Ben met my eyes wearily, obviously feeling just as uneasy about it as I did.

The last time someone had ordered us to fight one another, it didn't end well. Not because neither of us knew what we were doing, but because Snoke had tried to force us to kill each other. "Is there a problem?" Rey piped up, crossing her arms over her chest indignantly. I placed a comforting hand on Ben's forearm as he turned away, lost in thought. "Forgive us. It's just, the last time we practiced in front of someone, we both nearly died..." I explained. Master Luke seemed to understand, undoubtedly having already heard this story from Ben during his interrogation. Rey scoffed and rolled her eyes again. "And why do you want to watch us, Uncle? So the scavenger girl can learn how to fight us? To be better than us?" Ben finally spoke up, a dark growl in his voice as he glared at Master Luke. "Ben..." I warned, shaking my head at him. He glanced down at me and his expression began to soften. "Fine." He muttered, but I could still feel his irritation. "But we still don't have weapons." He remarked. Oh yeah... I guess we don't, do we? I turned to look at Master Luke expectantly. He reached into his sleeve and drew two lightsabers from the fabric. He held one out in each hand. "You want them, you take them." He ordered.

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