Chapter 22 ~ Final Test

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After my meeting with stormtrooper BN1604, I wondered whether or not it would be a good idea to leave with her. I wanted to believe her, but I also knew that people on this ship will say anything to get ahead in station. If I was escaping, I was going to bring Kylo for sure, even if I had to drag him out of the Starkiller myself, and I'd definitely get Orusa as well. I couldn't leave her to suffer whatever Snoke and Hux had in store for her, especially if they found out about her friendship with me. And I still hadn't told Kylo about the possible option. I was still trying to figure out a good way of breaking the news, and all of his time had been spent by General Hux and Captain Phasma trying to create better battle strategies.

The two days passed faster than expected though, and I realized that I had to just tell him. BN1604 would be waiting for us in less than three hours. So I sent another stormtrooper to fetch him, telling them to tell Kylo it was "urgent business."As I paced my chambers anxiously, I felt Kylo's presence nearing the door from the outside. I waved my hand to open the door as he approached, granting him immediate access. Something felt off, not necessarily with him, but just the moment in general. The air took on a sense of foreboding, like something very bad was about to happen. Bile rose in my throat as I waited for Kylo to speak. "Snoke has requested for us to meet him in his chamber at once." He told me. I grabbed my lightsaber and walked over to him, allowing him to lead me out into the bright corridor. The usual calm and orderly feeling in the hallways of the ship felt surprisingly eerie. I was feeling worse and worse as time went on, and I didn't think I was overthinking things.

We strode down the hallway side by side, close enough to hear each other, but not close enough to touch. "Did you get my message?" I whispered, looking at Kylo inquisitively. "Yes. What was so urgent?" He asked. "I think I have a way out of here." I said, stepping closer to him to talk quieter. He froze, standing rigid as he comprehended my words. "What?" He hissed. "Shhh!" I said. He looked at me, before grabbing my wrist and yanking me into a nearby chamber. "What do you mean you think you have a way out?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "This stormtrooper, BN1604, approached me the other day. She has a way of getting onto a small ship, and she offered to take me with her. I don't trust her, but this may be our only chance!" "And if it's a trap?" "She has been warned." I implied, staring into the slants where his eyes were. "But we have to decide, right now. She said she'd be leaving within the next couple hours, with or without me." I explained. Kylo went silent, chest rising and falling shallowly. "You're telling me this now?" He growled. "You've been so busy I haven't even seen you until now, it hasn't exactly been ideal!" I retorted, before sighing deeply. "Then you should go..." He murmured softly, stepping away.

My jaw fell in surprise. "Not without you." I told him. There was no way I was going to leave him here to suffer for the rest of his life. "Don't you get it?" He asked, taking off his mask and staring at me like I was stupid. "No." "I'm a dead man, wherever I go. Here or there. So go, without me, and live your life the way you were destined to, Andromeda." He whispered, looking away. My heart broke. I couldn't handle what he was suggesting. After all the time we had spent together, trying to figure out how to escape the darkness, he was just going to give up. Just like that. Now that we finally had an opportunity, he was going to stay and suffer the consequences of everything we had done.

Conviction took ahold of my heart, wrapping it in stone with a vice like grip. "No." "Andromeda, I am ordering you to leave!" He rose his voice, turning away from me. I shook my head. "You don't get to tell me what to do, Kylo. I make my decisions, just as you make yours. You can shout, and scream, and yell, and beg for me to leave until you're blue in the face. But listen to me, and listen well. I am not leaving without you. And that is final!" I told him, accentuating the fact that I was staying with him, wherever he went. He still refused to look at me, and I could feel that he thought if he just ignored me I would give up and leave. That wouldn't work though.

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