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One thing I learned as a rouge? Don't get distracted. Being a rogue was pretty terrible, but you learn a lot of valuable skills as long as you don't give in to the need to kill. As long as you control your wolf, as long as at any moment you can pull the reigns back you're not fine, but you're decent and living. The rain was coming down steadily now, if I get her into a submission hold it will be easier for her to wiggle out. As I'm charging towards her I notice everyone back away instantly.

A fist connecting with her face before she can get into a defensive pose, she's on the ground. Jumping over her slumped body she tries to nurse her bleeding nose. I run back around in a semi-circle and stand several feet in front of her. The loud crack that had echoed through the air confirmed it, it's broken. "Riley." Hurriedly she jogs towards Katie and despite her protests, her nose is put back into place. Lucas growls at her, furious that his female put herself in harm's way. If she so much as touched Riley in a manner I didn't like I can guarantee that she would be dead.

If not from me then from Riley's male.

Climbing off the grass that will soon turn to mud she wipes her nose clean. Pacing patiently in front of her, Amber wants her to make a move. Sprinting towards me I take a step to the left as she dives. Clicking my tongue I turn back around to face her. She's slow, unnatural and clumsy. Amber thinks this is a game, I'm not taking this as seriously as I should. But she didn't stand a chance. "You need to work on speed." A fist flying in my direction, I duck and land a blow to her stomach. "Rule number 1, don't let anyone anticipate your moves."

An elbow to the back of her neck and she's sent into the grass. Droplets of water run down my arms, my blonde hair now a darkened brown. Getting into a defensive pose she barrels towards me like a bull out of the gate. Let's see what she can do. I don't move this time.

Blocking a left hook, then a right. I grab her leg while she was moving to do a roundhouse kick, a tight grip on her ankle. Any sudden movement and she could go colliding into the earth. "Rule number 2. Keep your movements natural, you're movements are expected." Amber gives me some strength and without hesitation I'm throwing her over my head, her back landing on the ground with a loud THUMP. Mother Nature is on her side today, it's muddy now. Had it been a sunny day, the hard ground would have hurt her spine.

Feeling pride exuding from my mate in waves, I try to focus on the task at hand. We want to impress our mate.

However this isn't a challenge, not for me. "Rule number 3. Stay the hell away from my mate." A foot on her throat has her scratching at my legs. Her claws descending in hopes to do more damage, more pressure is applied by my foot. "Tap out or get the hell knocked out." I warn. I tend to get more...arrogant when fighting. I blame the Alpha in me.

Like Josh, I can be an 'arrogant alpha'.

Lifting my leg off of her throat I step backwards, Amber wants fur. She wants teeth and claws to take over this fight. Wanting to make her regret ever challenging us, to regret ever thinking that Josh was her male. She's just a power hungry she-wolf. Seconds later Katie is off the ground and slowly morphing into her wolf. Clothes shredding, one swift and loud crack- I'm done shifting before she is. Slight gasps escape the small crowd that's gathered. My shift is effortless, some could miss it if they were watching Katie. Spending all day shifting from skin to fur makes things easier, effortless and quick. I watch as her mouth turns to a snout, ears setting on top her head and hand to paws. Fur sprouting from every inch of her body.

Pacing across the ground, shaking out my fur and stretching my legs. I'm getting prepared for this fight. Remaining in control, Amber is getting frustrated wanting to take over my consciousness. The she-wolf's widened eyes tell me she's surprised I'm waiting on her since it was her who sprouted fur first. Snarling teeth, snapping jaws-her blue orbs flicker to amber. Her wolf is in charge, so it comes as no surprise to me that she's wanting to submit. Tail tucking, she's arguing with her host.

Arrogant Alpha. Joshaya.Where stories live. Discover now