Chapter.36.Enter Arabella.<3

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My connection remains with the pack, I don't disconnect from them. But the mind linking ability has faded. I sent Riley one message, 'I'm going to visit an old friend. I'm fine, don't worry.'

Except I knew she'd do the exact opposite because as soon as I took another step all the probing at my block from her was cut off completely. I was too far out of reach. I had stopped by one of my marked trees and picked up a few knives for protection since I couldn't shift. I'm not afraid, my skin side can handle its own even whenever I'm injured. The leaves crunching under my foot as I try to silently step through the woods as to not attract attention. Hooting owls, chirping crickets and if I really strain I can hear running water. But I don't stop, not yet. It isn't safe to stop in the middle of the night for water I don't necessarily need yet.

During my trek my mind begins to wander to my pack. I don't want them to think I ran away from responsibility or ran from their pack, because I love that pack and those wolves. They've done nothing but welcome me with open arms. But after learning Kris' mom was trapped in that hell hole, I don't have a choice anymore... no telling if she's even alive but I'm going in there either way. I'm going to save her for all the times I wasn't. She doesn't deserve this and she's in there because of me, though I'm not sure why Katie chose to manipulate her brother.

Taking a deep breath of air, my mind wanders to Riley. No doubt having a fit, I'm going to get an earful whenever I do return. Though at the moment I'm not sure how long I'll be away. I need to let fur take over again, to train my body and mind. It took 6 months last time, but I've been through it before maybe this time will be quicker.

Amber instantly whimpers, we can't go without our mate for that long. But then I think of how much longer can Kris' mother survive in that hell? I'd have to do a quick mission, getting in and out before I challenge my father. If I stay away from the packs, go off the radar for a bit that could put a halt on the impending war. Giving me enough time to train and enough time to make out a plan.

Glancing around, I realized just how far I've walked... well limped. The pain in my knee beginning to seriously bother me. Glancing up at the sky, the moon beginning to fall I have no idea what time it is. Continuing my trek in stride, I estimate about another hour of walking before I arrive at her border. I wonder what Josh is doing right now? Does he regret acting like a jack ass or is he trying to find me? I'm hoping for the latter, and if I know Josh I'm sure he is. His behavior was so off during that leadership meeting, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let it slide.

Taking a step, I hear a twig snap. Knowing it isn't from my foot I pull out my knives from the holder attached to my shorts. "I know you are out there." Staying still my eyes wander around my surroundings searching for anything, listening to breathing and trying to lock in on a heartbeat. "Just come out and save me the suspense."

Another twig snaps as I turn around full force, my knives ready to be thrown. "Well, well long time no see." I hear her before I see her, slowly a smile replaces my scowl. Putting my knives away, I see long red tresses falling down to dainty shoulders. "Maya."

"Arabella." Emeralds stare back at me, neither one of us move. "How's my old friend?'

Tilting her head to the side, regarding me as she always does... with hostility. "Who said I was your friend?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I mimic her movement. "Considering I'm more than likely in your territory now and I haven't fallen ill, meaning I have no ill intentions with you." She's always had a barrier around her land, well land that she's claimed and protected. If anyone wishes to cause her any harm they'd fall ill to the point where they couldn't move. Luckily for me, my visit is purely of selfish motives. "Plus, I have your back whether or not you have mine—

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