Chapter.30.Going Home.<3.

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Regaining consciousness is one thing, hearing conversations around you and regaining memories. I'm used to that feeling, being in and out of the hospital growing up it's something you get used to. Waking up entirely, being able to talk and actually take in everything that's going on around you is another. So inhaling the familiar scent of sterilized... everything and the reoccurring 'beep' of the heart monitor, I knew I was in a hospital. I'm slowly regaining consciousness at this point. My body slowly preparing me to make a dramatic entrance into this world. I wonder what happened this – and that's when I'm flooded with memories.

4 wolves ramming into our car.


Landing into a tree.

The flames.

Pulling me out.

Pulling out the glass shard.

Welcoming death.

Why would I welcome death? Why would I not fight for Josh? Well obviously I must have if I'm still awake. But damn, I must have been in a lot of pain. I'm not even moving and I can feel the damage done to my body. 'Amber?'

'I'm here.'

'Thank Goddess. Are you okay?'

Lying back down, her paws used as a pillow she nods, 'Yes. Just tired. We took a lot of damage.'

That's when voices flooded into my ears, as if I had headphones on blocking out the noise and I actually took them off. "I can honestly say, I'd rather die than be without her. I'd rather have a first shift every day, be whipped every day or be shot with silver every day only to be healed and have it done again then to lose her. Never in a million years did I realize how strong this bond would be. Farkle's basically been in charge, running things by me but I've been focused on her. She's healing just – I know this goes without being said but cherish mom."

His voice. It's like my own form of medicine. The familiar warm sparks on my hand, fluttering my eyelids open. His scent along with Alpha Allen's becoming stronger. "Wow, the feels are strong with this one." I force a smile, but truth is-talking even hurts. What the hell happened to my stomach?

"Baby girl." Words whimpered out cut to my core. His orbs filled to the brim with tears, his hand cupping my face. "Oh my Goddess you're awake." Lips connecting to every part of my face until successfully landing where I've been wanting all along. He's gentle and doesn't move to deepen it. Which is perfect because I'm having to take quick, shallow breaths. "I love you so much Maya." His tears falling on my cheek leaving a hot trail behind them.

Lifting up my right hand, I brush across his jawline. Clearly he hasn't shaved in a few days, I wonder how long I was out. "I'm here. I'm okay."

Shaking his head furiously from side to side he pecks my lips again. "You don't know what happened do you?" I don't have to wait long, he replies without me saying a thing. "You died Maya. For 5 minutes you were gone. You left me. We just found each other and you left me Maya." He sobs, his head resting against my chest. I died? Oh my Goddess. "M-my mark was burning. I felt the bond break, the whole pack we felt it Maya." More tears falling from my mate, my heart breaking as I feel all of his pain and sadness that he's endured the past few days. A broken wolf in front of me, slowly being put back together.

My hand continuously stroking his hair, but his tears don't let up. "Your mark on me was beginning to fade Maya. Please don't ever leave me again." More kisses all over my face, I can't believe I put him through that. I'm so selfish.

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