Meeting Them

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    "Come on G, you need to leave your room," my roommate Emma tells me.
    "No thanks, I'm good," I reply, not looking up from my laptop, showing my tumblr dash. Ever since we moved in here a week ago, Emma has been hounding on me to go out and meet our new neighbors. But that is easy for her. Ever since I met her in 7th grade Emma has been good at meeting people and making friends. Me however, not so much.
    "You need friends other than me. Come on!" She says, frustrated. But then she looks at me with an evil smile. Crap. "Fine then. But I hope you don't mind the fact that I invited them over for dinner tonight!" She said the last part as fast as possible and ran out of the room, closing the door to her room as I chase after her.
    "Emma I can't do this! You know I'm not good at meeting and talking to people!" I beat on her door.
    "Well then this is your chance to learn. Why don't you go get ready?"
    As soon as she says that, I know she isn't about to cancel this. Looks like I'm stuck meeting these people. "Fine..."

---(Time skip cause I'm lazy)---

    Emma runs to answer the door as the door as the first guests answer. I sit up on the couch as they come through. It's a pair of what I suspect are identical twins. But not on on the Hitachiin level. More like Azusa and Tsubaki Asahina. And they're almost as attractive. Anime has ruined the attractiveness of men in real life for me.  And as I'm thinking this I realize that I'm awkwardly staring at them and I quickly look away.
    "So let us introduce ourselves. I'm Emma and the emo ball of antisocialness in the corner is G." Emma tells the twins.
    As I mutter something about not being antisocial they both laugh and one speaks up. "Okay well I'm Allex and this is Allen. I'm guessing you can already tell we're twins." No shit Sherlock I think.
    "Please come in. G, why don't you talk to them for a bit while I finish getting ready?" Emma tells me and goes back into the bathroom to finish her makeup.
    "Sure." I take the two into the living room and plop down in my recliner as they sit on the couch.
    I decide to take in some of their features as we wait on the next set to arrive. Both of the boys has brown hair, but one has darker hair than the other. I think it was the lighter hair twin that was Allex. They share deep blue eyes and soft of square structure for a face. "So, G, right? Does that stand for something?" Allex asks.
    "U-um it's just something my mama used to call me when we were younger. My real name is Rheba, named after my great-grandmother." I blush hard as my natural southern accent comes out.
    Then Allen speaks up. "Oh, your shirt. I like that anime." I look down at my old Hetalia shirt with all of the Allies on it. "My favorite is America."
    "My favorite is South Italy."
    "He's a good character. I loved when he pulled out the mustache."
    Just as I started to think this guy was alright, Emma came back out to answer the door again. This time stood three men. One had a smirk on his face, green eyes the sparkled, and dirty blonde hair. The second have kind of a pissed off look, murky brown eyes, and black hair. The third had green hair, brown eyes, and snakes bites. I think I also saw some tattoos sneaking out from under his Pierce The Veil tshirt. I think I like this guy already.
    And finally a boy came running down the hall and stopped at our door, panting. "Sorry.... I'm late...." He kinda looked familiar, actually...

    Alright so I hope this chapter wasn't too bad. It's, again, my first time writing a book on here and I'm not the best at this type of thing. But I hope you enjoyed. If I made any mistakes or you think I need feedback just message me or whatever.

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