Time skip 2 hours later~~~~~
I cannot believe myself. I let myself think about Phil in a way I've never let myself think about anyone before. I. Thought. For one second. That I... Like Phil. It hurt, then I liked it. In fact, I loved it. The possibility that we could be together, to love each other, made me so happy. So happy I actually smiled on my own. Now that was something I've never done before. Well, in high school at least. I'm a senior right now, so I have to think about what I'm going to do with my life when I'm out on my own....(a/n I know what you're thinking..lol no)..or not on my own....I could be with Phil..I could be happy with myself because Phil is happy with me. I could have a great life. No we could have a great life. I don't know if I'm going crazy with this or if I just am wishing, wishing so hard for the life I could live with someone I love.
Plz tell me if this is any good? Am I being to dramatic at the beginning?? Srry I just have social awkwardness soo, I want this to be good.

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