*Dans POV.*
I guess I'm pretty good at school, but that doesn't mean I like it. The only reason I like the torture is Phil. Phil is there, and Phil is really all I need. Phil means happiness, and I love being happy. If you love being happy, then you love Phil. True , true thoughts, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to admit it. But the thing is, Phil and I have shared many, many secrets with each other, some very personal. But we never once thought,'why am I friends with him? He's kinda weird.' Which with some of the things I've said, I'm surprised he hasn't. "Dan, time to get up!" Ugh why now mum? "Okay!" ,Yelling over the sound of my loud dog barking at the postman. I get up, slowly stretching my arms, then reluctantly climbing out of my comfy bed. Phil could do this with you every morning. I sigh, giving in to the happy little place in my head that thinks about Phil, letting it take over my fear, being gay. I feel happy not trying to hide the thought that has been nagging me for months. Finally. I'll leave you alone for a while now. I pout, talking to myself," but I want to think about Phil." No you have exams today. Whatever, I think,finally getting dressed in my normal clothes, black jumper and skinny jeans with Converse☆

This is fun, I'll keep doing it. Bye 4 now!

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