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I watched in slow motion as Silver slowly dived to the ground. 

"Shit!" Blake screamed, shaking out her hand, "Why the fuck didn't you tell me that would hurt." 

A crowd had formed now, everyone who was partying outside had witnessed everything, and we now chanting, "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

"I think that's our cue," I said, pulling Blake away, and when she resisted, I had to throw her over my shoulder. 

"Fucking put me down, Alex! I swear to—fuck!" Blake shouted, pounding on my back. Quickly darting away from the scene, I carried a screaming and whaling blake all the way to my car. 

I wasn't drunk nor had I touched anything remotely alcoholic tonight, even though it was my birthday. I was too worried about Blake to pay alcohol any mind. Which is weird considering alcohol and myself are close companions. 

"Why did you do that!" Blake screamed as I opened the back seat of my car. 

"Blake," I said, slowly lowering her, "Just get in the car." 

"No I will not get in the damn car!" She yelled, folding her arms as I set her feet on the ground. I caged her in with my body, the atmosphere instantly turning tense. 

She narrowed her eyes at me, jutting the beautiful big lips forward. Alex, stop it. She's your step-sister.

"Fine. I'm going to get in the car because I want to. Not because you told me to," She glared, "There's a difference."   

Turning around, she crawled into the back seat. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. 

Shutting the car door, I darted to the driver's seat and turned on the ignition. 

"Alex," Blake whines from the backseat, now lying down on the back. 

"Blake your drunk, so I'm taking you home." I say sternly, wishing she'd just be quiet and let me do my job protecting her. 

"Did you see me punch that bitch? I'm a fucking pro," She giggles in the back. 

Shit, it was so fucking sexy when she cursed. No, Alex, you need to stop this

"Do you like me, Alex?" Blake asks, all of a sudden calm and sensible. 

I gulped, "Um-Uh-Yeah, you're my step-sister." 

"But I mean like-like, like really like me?" She repeats. 

"Uh-Um, you're my step-sister Blake," I repeat, more to myself then her, "I love you like a sister." 

"Oh my god," She quickly says before I hear sounds of gagging and something liquidy hitting the floor of my car. 

"Shit, Blake!" I shouted, turning in my seat to see vomit covering the floor of my backseat. 

"Sorry, Alex. It just—I just—I couldn't stop it, it just—blaaahhh," She says, reenacting the entire thing.  I roll my eyes, slowly pulling onto our street. Blake then starts giggling. 

Pulling into our driveway, I turn off the car and run around to Blake's door. Opening it, I saw an image that I've been dreaming of. 

There in a short skirt, lying on her back, and with her blouse popped open, was Blake. 

"Sorry, I got a bit hot," She murmured, as I eyed her full breasts covered in a black bra. 

Shaking my head, I averted my gaze and helped her out. Once she was stable on her feet, I started to guide her towards the house. 

She was stumbling and laughing as she did. Suddenly, she pulled out of my arms and kneeled on the ground.

 Leaning over the flowers, Blake let out the rest of what was left of her stomach contents into Olivia's flowers. 

"Seriously, Blake?" I laugh, bending down to help her up. 

"Well better out than in," She comments, her head rolling from side to side. 

Chuckling, I wrapped my arm around her waist and placed her arm over my shoulders. I open the back door in the kitchen and we shuffle into the darkness. 

I squint when the lights flash on, and I see Olivia darting down the stairs in a satin floral road. 

"Oh, my baby," She smiles, running over to help me with Blake, "How much did she drink?" 

"Nothing, I didn't drink anything mother," Blake slurred as we helped her sit down on one of the bar stools. 

My dad was the next one to come down. They were obviously both asleep before we had ruined their night. 

"Liv, I am so sorry," I started pushing Blake over she leant on the bench, and not have the possibility of completely wiping out off the stool, "I tried to keep track of her but..." 

"It's fine, I know my own daughter," Olivia apologised, looking at her daughter who was now mumbling to herself, "Can you please take her to her room, I think a massive hangover is punishment enough." 

"Uh-sure," I hesitated, before slowly picking up Blake and holding her bridal style. She fit perfectly into my arms, and her head rested against my heart. 

"Goodnight," I muttered before carrying Blake upstairs. 

Shuffling to her room, I kick the door open and haul Blake towards her bed. 

Lowering her down onto the bed, a faint smile crosses her lips. I dart to the bathroom to grab a wet cloth. 

"Here," I said, sitting down next to her and wiping her face. 

The entire time I helped clean her face, those big green eyes gazed at me. 

"You're so cute, Alex," Blake giggles, tapping my nose, "This is Drunk Blake talking. Sober Blake wouldn't be able to say that." 

"Why?" I ask, placing the cloth onto her nightstand. 

"Because she's too scared. She's afraid to get her heart broken again." Blake pouts, her eyes slowly drooping close. 

When they were fully closed, I slowly retreated from the bed, but her hand shot out and grabbed my wrist. 

"Wait, please stay." Blake  muttered. 

"Okay," I replied, moving across the room to sit on her sofa. 

Taking a seat, I watched as she slowly fell asleep, and soon I was in a room, filled with the peaceful, even breathes of Blake. 


another alex's pov

they won't be all the time, just whenever i feel like it

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