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My pen tapped against the surface of the table nervously as I tried to ignore his presence. It was so damn hard though, considering he sat a few meters away from me at the kitchen bench. Eating his breakfast all calm and shit. How dare he? 

"Blake? Hunny, are you still with us?" My mother asked, her voice cutting through my reverie. She glanced up at me while pouring milk into her coffee with a confused look, "I asked you a question." 

"Oh sorry. This homework's just got me spacing out." I lie straight through my teeth. 

She smiled, "I asked how your paper was going." 

"So great. I absolutely love writing papers on the day that they're due and putting my anxiety into over drive." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes. Stupid paper, stupid American presidents, and stupid Alex for making me forget about it with his magical lips. 

The kitchen fell to silence after, and our parents slowly started to realise the awkwardness between Alex and I. We haven't talked since last night, and I've been trying to avoid being in within arms reach of him. Or maybe within ten meters of him. It was hella awkward

"Okay, what's going on." Ethan asked, putting down the juice carton and standing with his hands on his hips, "Did something happen while we were away? Did you guys fight? Why aren't you—" 

Ella's car horn interrupted him. And it was like the heavens above answered my prayers. 

I jumped to my feet, and stuffed my book and pens into my bag, "That's Ella. Don't want to keep Miss Drama Queen waiting." Pulling the strap of my bag onto my shoulder, I walked around the kitchen to kiss my mother and say goodbye to Ethan, "I'll see you later." 

"Oh, um okay sweetie? Have a nice day at school." My mom said confused as I quickly marched out of the kitchen. 

When I literally flew into Ella's car, I felt relief wash over me. Ella glanced at me with furrowed eyebrows. 

"Why the hell did you call me thirty-two times last night?" She asked as she slowly started to pull her car out of my driveway. 

I shrugged, "I needed someone to talk to." 


"I kissed Alex." I say for the second time. 

"So? It's not that big of a—Wait, back the fuck up. Did you just say kiss?" Ella asks, as I smile and shrug sheepishly. That's all it took before Ella erupted into a screaming fit and let go of the steering wheel. 


Ella quickly grasped the steering wheel as she steered the car back onto the right side of the road, "Whoops." 

"Fragile goods on board, dude." I exhale deeply, realising that I just had a near death experience. But then again, I thought I was having one when the vending machine at school ran out of Doritos. 

"Well excuse me. I just had my best friend dump a whole shit storm of news on me." Ella defends dramatically, "So, how was it? Was he a good kisser? Did you meet his little friend?  Or should I say big friend? Wink Wink." 

"Okay, first of all, you need Jesus. And second of all, I guess it was....alright?" I said sheepishly, even second guessing myself. I mean, how do you even explain a kiss? 

"Alright? Alright? What the hell is that? Give me the dirty details, girl." Ella egged, nudging me with her shoulder. 

"His lips tasted like some out-of this world drug. Like it was so bizarre I thought I was dreaming the entire thing—mind the cheesiness. We were...you know....getting it on, and then my parents came home. That's it. Just a kiss, nothing else." I explain in as little detail as possible. Even though Ella is my best friend, and she's seen me naked on multiple occasions, there's just some boundaries you don't cross. Including sex and near sex. 

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