Chapter Twenty-One: Official Introductions

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I grabbed my backpack and started stuffing it with clothes. I went to the bathroom, cramming my toiletries into my bag. Stuffing my cell phone in my pocket, I surveyed the room to see if I had forgotten anything. My eye caught on my wardrobe. I opened it. Hanging at the end was my new training gear that Miss Simmons had made for me. It was a full body suit that changed with my transformations. It looked almost futuristic; silvery and shiny. I had only used it once. Diego was teaching me to control my transformation and the suit transformed with me, covering my tail when it appeared. I grabbed it from the hanger, stuffing it into my already full bag.

I swung my bag onto my back, and gave my room a last onceover. I would miss it here. Gaia had been a good friend to me. I imagined Gaia coming back and noticing I was gone. She was going to freak out.

I got some paper from my desk and wrote her a quick note, explaining that I was fine and not to worry, but I wasn’t coming back and not to bother to look for me. I left it on her bed. I slipped out of my room and walked across the school.

The Shadow Master and I had agreed to meet where we had last spoken: my shortcut to the gym. I arrived there a few minutes before we had agreed just to make sure I was there on time. I sat down on a rock, dumping my bag on the ground. I stared off into space, not paying much attention to anything.

“Come here often?”

I turned to see the Shadow Master leaning against a tree, looking intently at me. How long had he been there? I hadn’t noticed him when I first arrived. He was in full costume, but during the day he seemed less evil and more...normal.

“I could ask you the same,” I replied coolly, standing and pulling my bag onto my back.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked. I nodded. It was too late for me to change my mind. I had burnt too many bridges; I needed to move on.

“Ok then. Are you ready?” I nodded again. He took a step towards me.

“I’m sorry in advance,” he said offhandedly.

“For what?” I asked confused.

“For this.” He reached his hand out towards my face. Dark shadows filled his palm, clouding my vision until I slipped into unconsciousness.

* * * * *

After a long time, I started to ascend into consciousness. I opened my eyes. It was quiet. Not silent, but it was quiet. I could just hear the calls of birds.

I sat up, looking around the room. I was lying in a queen sized bed. There was a set of mirrored double doors across the room. On each side of the four posted bed I sat in was a bedside table, made of the same dark wood as the bed frame. To the right of me was a door.

The room was painted a dull beige. There was a large set of floor to ceiling curtain on my left. I pulled myself over to the side of the bed, and put my feet on the grey carpet. It was soft. I stood up and walked over to the curtains, pulling the wide open. There was a massive set of French doors, stretching about two and a half metres. Looking through the windows, I saw a small balcony equipped with a white set table and chairs. I was on the second floor. Down on the ground was a beautiful garden full of colourful flowers. There was a large section of grass, and beyond that trees that stretched on as far as I could see.

I heard footsteps approach the door and the door opened slowly. A guy entered the room. He had light brown hair, and soft brown eyes. He smiled kindly at me. I just stared blankly at him. He definitely wasn’t the Shadow Master.

“Who the hell are you?” I asked.

“There’s no need to be rude you know.”

“Who. Are. You?” I asked again.

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