Chapter Twenty-Six: Overheard Conversation

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It had been a couple of days since the kiss, and I couldn't get it out of my mind. Adrian's sudden vulnerability and passion was surprising; it seemed to come out of nowhere. I wasn't suspicious of his behaviour. Instead, I was wondering what life would throw at me next. The past month or so had been an emotional rollercoaster; discovering my Power, Lock's kiss, his betrayal, meeting Adrian and Kody, Adrian's distant behaviour, and finally his admission of his feelings. I don't think I could take another incident.

Ever since our kiss, Adrian had been as distant as ever, ironically enough. I didn't see him at all. I think he was always holed up in his office. Adrian hadn't even spoken to Kody, his best friend. I wasn't sure whether he had spoken to Mr Brice about taking up the job. I didn't even know whether he was going to accept the job. I realised the job was against his morals, but the guy was a Super Villain; morals only meant so much.

Kody and I continued my training. Every day I became stronger and stronger; better and better. Kody kept mentioning something about my debut, but that was far from my mind. No matter what I was doing, my mind kept wandering back to the kiss.

I was heading down to dinner one night, minding my own business, when voices caught my attention. I crept up to the corner, and peeped around it. Kody and Adrian stood in the middle of the hallway, deep in conversation. It was the first time I had seen Adrian in several days, and he looked like a mess. His hair was sticking out in all directions, as if he hadn't brushed it in days; his expression worn. Yet his eyes still managed to hold a fierce determination that was typical of Adrian.

"I told you Adrian, she's not ready yet."

"Why not? I've trusted you to train her; to get her ready."

"It's not my fault. She hasn't been focused the last couple of days." Kody's voice was full of accusation.

"Oh, and that's my fault?"

"Yes! She doesn't know where she stands with you. You're hot, you're cold. You pay attention to her, and then avoid her. She's confused, and that's distracting her from her training."

"What do you suggest, Kody?"



"Yes. Decide. Decide whether you want her; if you want to be with her or whether she's just another soldier that you plan to use to take down the Integration Unit."

"You know how I feel about her Kody."

"But does she?"


"Really? Because it seems to me that she's just as confused about your feelings for her as you are."

"I'm not confused about my feelings for her!"

"Then tell her."

"I did."

"No. You told her why you kept your distance for so long. Tell her how you feel about her. Otherwise you might not get a chance too."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying this is a dangerous job we do, Adrian. One wrong move and you might be locked up in prison, or worse, killed."

"You think I don't know that?"

"Of course you know that. I'm just warning you that this is the world you have brought her into. You can't abandon her when you feel like it."

"I left her alone because you told me too!"

"Yes, but that was before your...revelation the other day. I thought that meant you were planning to spend more time with her, but obviously I was wrong." Kody started to walk away, but Adrian grabbed his arm roughly.

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