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The ground shook and loud explosions were heard. I pressed my hands to my ears, trying to block it all out. I watched as the pristine white building crumbled. I started to hyperventilate. People were in there; innocent people. Tears started to stream down my face...

“Kefira? Kefira, it’s all right.” A voice floated through my mind, waking me from my nightmare. I sat up with a start, my heart racing, sweat pouring from me, tears rolling down my cheeks.

“It’s all right Kefira. You’re safe now.” I was enveloped in a hug. I breathed in Adrian musky scent, one that was so familiar to me now.

“I can’t stop thinking about it Adrian. All those people...”

“Shhh. Don’t think about them. Think about everyone we saved,” Adrian said. He let me go. I gazed around the hospital room. Everyone who had been captured and experimented on had been checked out by emergency staff when they arrived on the scene. Let’s just say that the emergency services were very surprised to see just over a hundred kids and teenagers, all battered and weak, standing on an abandoned road watching a World Super’s Unit building crumbled and catch fire. Adrian and Kody were fine, and somehow managed to pass questioning without being charged by police. I think I heard Adrian mention something about a faulty gas system or something along those lines. Everyone who needed extra treatment were taken to a local hospital, including me. Adrian and Kody were unscathed; their accelerated healing had taken care of the odd cut or bruise.

I, on the other hand, as well as many of the people being held captive, were treated for numerous injuries. My shoulder had been bandaged up, and a drip was set up to give me nutrients and painkillers and such. The hospital staff were aware that they were working with Super kids, and made sure we were well looked after. They took tests through, as some of us who had sustained injuries had not healed. I still hadn’t got my results back. It had been two days. I understood that they were busy; they had to test at least fifty samples. But I wanted my results so badly. I hadn’t heard from my second voice since the injections Drew gave me. I had even tried talking to it, but I was fairly sure it wasn’t listening, or maybe it wasn’t even there at all.

Noa had also been admitted into hospital. She was hooked up to a drip like I was for the first day or so, and then the doctors decided she was well enough to be released. She came to visit me. She was fine, and she still had her Powers. They were weak, and the doctor had told her it would take a while for them to settle down after the trauma, but in a month or so she would be back to her old self.

My parents had been called in as well. Mum cried and Dad was also on the verge of tears when they visited. The last time I had seen them was when I said goodbye to them when Jason was taking me to the Academia. That didn’t work out to well. Mum and Dad were so relived to see I was ok, and even alive. They, like everyone else, had believed I was dead. I felt like such a bad daughter. I hadn’t spoken to them since I let the hospital. Not one single phone call. They had forgiven me. The most awkward moment was when Adrian and Kody had walked in, without knocking. Mum was appalled that I had been living with two guys she had never met, and Dad remained slient. After an hour or so, they seemed to get along fine. My parents had ducked out to get  some food, so Adrian was watching over me.

“Much happened while I’ve been asleep?” I asked, adjusting myself so I could sit up without too much pain. Adrian helped me, and soon I was sitting up comfortably.

“Yeah, Kody and I have been taking turns watching you while the other watches the news.”

“And?” I asked.

“The news stations are going crazy. It’s funny watching the presenters try to explain something they have no understanding of.”

“You have a strange sense of humour.”

“I know. Anyway, they’re calling it some kind of accident to do with chemicals and all that.”

“Any mention of the hundred kids found wandering around?”

“Nope. I think the police are keeping that information on a ‘need-to-know’ basis.”

“We went through all that just for it be kept a secret?”

“It seems that way. Although, it could still be exposed.”

“Seems unlikely. If the police haven’t released that information now I don’t think they ever will.”

“Have they found Drew or Mr Brice yet?”

“No idea. As I said, the police are keeping it on the down-low. I think the police and rescuers are still going through the rubble.”

“So they could still be alive,” I said.

Adrian smiled at me sadly.

“It’s highly unlikely. They would have been in the building.”

“Or they could have escaped,” I muttered under my breath. I don’t think Adrian heard me.

“I heard something else that might interest you,” he said.


“The Academia has been shut down.”

“What? Why?”

“Apparently Mr Ashton had been conspiring with the World Super’s Unit, leaking them information about Supers with rare Powers and stuff like that. I told you they weren’t as perfect as you thought.”

“And you were right. What happens to all the people going there now?”

“Some will be transferred to other institutes that teach Supers.”

“Some? What about the others?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think they have decided yet.”

“How do you know all this anyway?” I asked.

“I know someone,” he said vaguely. He was always one for being cryptic. Adrian looked away; he seemed to be thinking about something.

“What you thinking about?” I asked.

“I have something to tell you.” Adrian looked uncomfortable.


“While you were asleep, a nurse came by.”

“And?” I was anxious. They were testing to see if my Powers had been affected by the testing I was subject to. And if Adrian looked worried then...

“They... um, the results...”

“Just spit it out Adrian. I’m not so fragile you know. I can take some bad news.”

“I know you’re not fragile. The past few days have shown that.” Adrian took my hand in his, and looked at me, his eyes hesitant.

“Drew’s experiments have... affected you DNA.”

“How?” I asked, hysteria starting to rise.

“Your test results show that Drew’s procedure was successful.”

“You mean...?” I trailed off, unable to take in what Adrian just told me.

“I do. Kefira, you no longer have Powers.”

Author's Note:

And.... that's a wrap!!!!!!! That's it for 'The Animal Inside'!!!!! I'm actually amazed that I finished this, because I've always had trouble finsihing the stories I start. I'm really thankful to everyone who has been following, reading, voting and commenting on 'The Animal Inside'. You've been the ones who have inspired me to keep writing. And don't worry.... there IS a second book. It's called 'A World of Shadows'. Check it out if you enjoyed this book, and if you want to find out whats to Kefira. 

Please VOTE and COMMENT!!!

Thank you all,


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