Escape the Night 2

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(If she survived the this night starts here)

Maddie's POV

We all run back inside,Matt holds me close because again stress puke! This is going to stress me out forever! Uh hello we are stuck in the 1920's unless we find some random stupid artifact.I hold my stress puke while everyone is talking,I still feel Matt's hand around my torso holding me close.

We start talking of what we can do,what we need to do when Sarah the maid walks in with a box,"oh hell no"I say holding on to Matt,last time that maid came in there was a head what's next a leg.She moves the cover and there was a hand,We all scream.I cover my face using Matt's shoulder once more.

Eva reads off a note in there and Justine reads off a note from this board.Justine soon talks to it and the board lights up saying books,we all scatter around looking for books that could help us.

Matt opens this cabinet with a chest in it,"guys"I say "there's a lock here with the symbol on it"Matt says,We soon get 5 books together and find out we need eight.The group finds two more books and Andrea opens the clock and she finds another one.

Oli reads out what direction the arrows are in while Eva turns the dials to the directions and light start to flicker and there are whispers of numbers.Someone grabs the chest and Sierra puts in the code and there are chest pieces.

Justine and Sierra had to play chest because they were the only two dressed in all white.We start talking about the pieces and we move one piece onto the castle and something opens,Oli reads off the note.

It stated that there is a machine someone here where holds the artifact,There is something in the green cabinet but the person forgot the code and now we have to figure it out with the four elements Fire,water, earth and air.

We split up and I go with Matt,We check around the living space."Air?"LeLe says "or fire"I say looking around."oh there's a clue"Matt says "you were both right"Matt said "how are we both right?"I ask "well it was this but it's fire"Matt said.

Me and LeLe go over to the thing and look at it.Lele plugs in the heater and a 5 lit up,"five"I say and we walk out.Matt grabs my hand as we walk out of the living space,I start to blush in a dark crimson red.

Joey runs in and says 3 and 5 and Eva comes in saying they got 2.We decided the code is 2 3 5 8,They crack open the safe and Eva reads off the note saying something about a ungodly machine and a basement.Nope that's uh not good.

She keeps going saying that two people must go down and be planted into the machine and two people and the people's choosing will have to save them.The butler tells us to sit down,we have to vote?! Uh I kinda can't say.

I look at the group,I can't choose between my friends! I sit next to Matt,I haven't got accused of anything which is fine but I'm also not the killer so,"well no one has accused Maddie so maybe it's Maddie!"LeLe says "woah woah woah no way!"Matt says sitting up.

"Maddie hasn't hurt a fly at all,she's way to innocent"Matt said "that's true,she hasn't hurt anyone she hasn't done anything bad she's been helping I don't think so"Glozell says and I smile."That and Matt is protecting her to get it on with her later"Timothy said and I roll my eyes but the group oo'd besides me and Matt.

I look at LeLe,I lean into Matt's ear."LeLe"I whisper and he smiles and nods,He wraps his arm around me.I just want to stay safe to be honest like I don't care if LeLe dies or if she lives also I'm boosting up Matt's esteem.Lele is accusing people but so is everyone else.

Everyone start writing and then I go up,I turn to Matt he smiles and I nod.I write down Andrea,I actually see that Andrea hasn't been doing much so I kinda have to.I fold up the paper and put it in the hat,I look at Lele and give her the quiet sign and she winks.

Andrea and LeLe get pulled out and they choose two people to go down their with them Andrea chooses Justine and LeLe chooses Eva.The girls leave but I hug LeLe and Andrea,"good luck"I say as they walked away.

I walk to the hallway,I start pacing.Im not in character I don't care if I disappear from here and never go home but I'm on a freak out zone! My friends could die and that's not fun,I feel someone turn to me and I look over and see Matt.He hugs me and I feel better,I feel safe now.

We walk back in and I sighed,I can't believe it.I cough and Matt immediately looks over at me,"I'm fine I'm fine"I say "Matt calm down"Joey says "well after what happened to Shane I need to keep precaution"Matt said and I smile.

We hear footsteps and Justine,Eva and LeLe come in,oh my god Andrea died.She started telling us about the machine but they had the artifact which is good.Justine soon started talking shit about Andrea,I need to calm a little.

(Why my character died and why she went in)

Maddie went in for the same reason Andrea went in,in the show people just thought Maddie didn't help as much.Died the same way Andrea died.

Matt's POV

I waited,please me okay,please me okay.Eva,Justine and LeLe walked in,Maddie she's gone.I don't even care that I voted LeLe in Maddie died,"YOU KILLED HER!"I yell at Justine,everyone looked at me.

"You killed and innocent person!"I say "so what maybe she needed to go"Justine said,I ran up to her but people stopped me."You killed Maddie! Before I could've told her how I felt about her!"I yell."How you felt about her?"They say.

(Since Shane is out he won't be added into this one and it will go on)

Joey:Matt is going to kill Justine maybe we should put someone out of there misery

Eva: I made an alliance with Justine but....Maddie,She cared a lot and was innocent! Matt will kill someone though

Justine: I had to,She did nothing if Matt is coming after me so be it.

Glozell: oh hell no,someone is going to die

Andrea:I feel sorry for Maddie,but Matt seems on the verge of a kill

Timothy: This is death hour for someone and Justine is the first kill

Sierra: Justine better be careful,Matt is furious.

Oli:My god safety for Justine is all she needs

LeLe:I'm sorry for Matt,After saying he wanted to tell Maddie his feelings seems like it was serious

Matt: I'm so mad! I want to just kill Justine now!

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