Escape the Night 6

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A/n:OH my god! This episode is literally scary as hell!!!! Watch it. If you don't like ritual,demon shit.Don's read cause this fucks with some exorcist shit.

(If my character survived the night)

Maddison's POV

We had the four artifacts,I was so worried at the beginning but I'm happy now.Were done we get to go home all we have to do is a stupid ritual and I get to go home.

Joey's butler comes in and places something on the table in front of us,"the ritual from Shane's jacket"He says,I look at Matt and smile.Im finally happy that after all these stuff that has happened to us I can finally go home and most likely be with Matt.

So we had to do a ritual,okay.Last one didn't go wrong I think we can do this,I help Arthur the butler roll up the carpet and push chairs away.We start putting ashes seven steps away from the center which is a bucket and place and around it.

Three artifacts go on the sides and one goes in the middle,We look at the circle "those look like demonic finger prints"Joey says "those are mine"Tim says and I giggle,Eva then tells us one person must be in the middle and wrap a black rope around the middle artifact and Joey chimes in saying Sierra.

"Yeah,Sierra you haven't don't a lot darling"I say standing next to Matt,He smiles at me and wraps his arm around me.I sit in front of a candle next to Matt,I look at him and smile."I'm excited to go home"I say to him and he nods smiling "Maybe we can go on a not so demon killing date"He Says and I laugh and nod smiling.

Arthur turns the lights down and Matt begins to read the letter while Sierra wraps the black rope around the artifacts.I hold Matt's hand as he said the letter,I head whispers when one of the artifacts crash.

I jump a little,what the fuck! The second one crashes next to Tim and we all jump and the last one crashes by me,Matt and Oli.We fucked something up,I don't think this is suppose to happen.

Matt finishes the letter,"Is it done?"I ask as something laughs,We all jump.Fuck! It didn't work,"we didn't do this correctly"I say looking at them,what did we do wrong? We all get up and see if there is another clue,"I want to go home"I say to Matt.

"We will I promise"Matt says kissing my cheek.Joey finds a clue and we all sit down,I sit by Matt.My head was in my hands,what the fuck! I just want to go home god damnit! Joey reads the clue and we find out another person is here,wait what?!

I lift my head up,Joey says he is down in the back basement."Isn't that the basement you guys were in"I say pointing to LeLe and Eva and they nod.The group decided to go down into the basement,We all go down one by one.I hold Matt's hand watching us all go down,I hate this.

We get there and Eva opens the door and we walk in to see a priest,what the hell? I stand next to Matt listening to him saying stuff about we need to find four other former house owners of this stupid house,nope a lot of us are going to die.

He asked us about if our ritual worked and we said no,I looked at Matt and all he did was stare at the guy.I laid my head on Matt's shoulder and closed my eyes,I want to be home.

He tells us about how he failed to save a demon from this girl then asked us to find his cross,Once he gets it he'll be released from this house."I wish I was released"I say quietly to myself.

He tells us the only way to get his cross is to preform an exorcist.Hell no! We messin' with some demon fucking shit here.He tells us we need to get holy water (which everyone in this house needs) and a Rosary,Ugh no!!

He tells us they are in separate rooms hiding on the second floor also known as the damn creepy floor! He gives us his bible and Oli grabs it,before we leave he tells us that demons are now floating about.Well shit! We all soon go back to the house.

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