fighting and heartbreak

435 12 1

Maria's POV

things between Elvis and abbagail were moving fast I suppose it was a good thing she had a friend they spent hours together after school, during the weekends they were inseparable it was cute and I was glad that my baby was happy.

Branden and Abbagail weren't getting along and I was torn between the two of them and it was driving me insane.Even though Abbagail was rarely home know she still hated him but having Elvis around made her more calm and civil when we were together all four of us.

"Branden we need to talk" I crawled into bed and placed my head on his chest

"yeah baby what is it?"

"I think we need to take a break for a while its not that I don't love you and everything its just that Abbagail isn't dealing to good with us being a couple" his breathing became more heavier

"fine bitch if your gonna let your spoilt little brat of a daughter run your life fine by me"

he threw me of his chest I slid of the bed onto the floor with a thud I heard his footsteps itching closer to me. I covered my face but that did nothing at all I felt his hands make contact with my frail small body each time he kicked and punched me I wished and prayed even more that someone would come and rescue me. after what seemed a lifetime he left me alone and exited the house, I had just enough energy to crawl back into bed I shed a many a tear that night.

Abbagails POV

I woke up in a sweat must of had a terrible dream. I made my way down the hall to mums room *knock *knock no response I decided to just enter what I found was horrible. my mother just lying there she looked dead there were bruises and cuts all over her what had happened was it my fault.

I ran down stairs in tears and picked up the phone and dialed the presleys number

*ring *ring *ring

"hello this is Gladys speaking who is this please"

"hi Gladys this *sobs Abbagail I was wondering if Elvis was there"

"he's here darling is everything ok you can talk to me you know"

I was in hysterics "yeah everything just fine could you please put him on please *sobbing loudly*"

"sure thing here you go"

"Abbagail mumma says your crying whats wrong? what's happened? are you ok are you safe?"

"Elvis I'm fine but I don't think my mumma is I went to wake her the morning and she was asleep and didn't hear me knock so I just walked in and she was lying on the bed..... *crying crying*"

"on the bed and what Abbagail"

"she was covered in bruises and cuts and I don't know what happened to her and I don't know what to do? Elvis help me please I'm all alone at home I'm scared"

"baby we'll around right know I promise don't worry I'm here to protect you no matter what, see you soon baby"


I put the phone down and went and sat out the front and waited for Elvis, Gladys and Vernon to arrive

within moments Elvis was out the front of my house. I ran up to him and clenched him tight I started crying he comforted me, I walked them inside Elvis and Vernon went looking see if it was a breakinbabd entering situation and I went upstairs with Gladys.

we entered the room I sat on the bed next to mum while Gladys checked her pulse and made sure she was still alive. I spoke to her and told her everything is going to be ok and that help was here.

"is she alive" I looked up at Gladys

"she has a very weak pulse I think its best that we call an ambulance

I ran to phone and dialed 911

"hi how can I help you today"

"I need an ambulance at 1087 getwell street please my mum is covered in bruises and cuts and I don't know what happened to her please help me"

"does she have and pulse and she breathing"

"she has a weak pulse and she is breathing but having some trouble"

"is there someone there with you"

"yes my boyfriends mother is she is trying to help her breath"

"ok I'm gonna let you go know they arent to far away"

I put down the phone

*knock knock*

"its the ambulance let us in"

I ran down stairs and opened the door and let them in

"were is the victim"

"upstairs on the left, there's a woman in there trying to help her breath"

"thankyou I think its best if you stay down here ok darling" the man an the woman made there way up the stairs to my mothers room.

"baby there was no sign of breaking and entering is there anybody that was here last night that could've done this to your mum"

I thought for a second and then I remembered "Branden was I pretty sure he was sleeping here"

"ok we got a lead"

"baby I don't want you to get hurt just to protect me please don't get any more involved please"

"ok babe if that's what you want i won't" he wrapped his arms around my waist and for a second I forgot where I was until the image of my mum being carried away on a stretcher changed my trace of thought.

"is she gonna be ok"

"they don't know yet darling there taking her in for surgery they suspect there's internal bleeding she's gonna be in the hospital for a while"

"oh really were am i gonna stay here I suppose"

"don't even say that you can come live with us while she's in there ok, go pack some things and then we can go to the hospital"

I ran upstairs and packed a few things in a bag. wow how my life had change in a matter of hours

a/n what a chapter sorry for the wait I got servere writers block sorry it took so long next chapter already in process should be up soon hopefully

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