Memphis life

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we had moved to Memphis a few weeks ago and we were slowly adjusting to our new life. Jenny and i talked daily on the phone, what was new really.

mum had gotten herself a new boyfriend his name was..... Brandon (you thought Elvis Haha) i didn't particularly like him and my mother knew it.

Maria's POV

i knew that abbagail wasn't happy but i couldn't just drop everything i was doing to make her happy.

i tried to keep her happy by buying her the latest records cause she liked music, the happiness only lasted a short time she missed her friends back in Texas although she didn't say it i knew she did.

Brandon and i were getting closer i was so glad we meet, we spent every day together almost. abbagail didn't like him

"mum he isn't worth your time, he's a worthless piece of shit just dump him already" she screamed at me while running up the stairs to her room

she'd really done it this time

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i had a week of school between moving and packing know my mother was making me go back.

"abbagail i think its time you start back at school?" she said while preparing dinner

"but mum i don't know anyone, Im going to have no one to talk to there gonna stare and ask questions" a tear trickled down my cheek trying to hide the tears didn't work mum saw

"hey baby your gonna be fine there gonna love ya, your got a great personality and your easy to talk to ok" she hugged and kissed my head and then she carried on making tea.

the dreaded day had arrived my school days were about to begin again, the stress of homework and assessments would soon get to me.

i was going to be attending Memphis Hume Highschool, the school Elvis attended a few years ago.

it took me an hour to get ready the longest its every taken me gee i must want to impress these people.

i left home with my mum who offered to drive me to school, the car ride was silent not even the radio was on it stayed like this the whole way until we pulled up.

"by abbagail have an awesome first day, if you need me you know where to call right?" she kissed my forehead

"love you too mum and yes i know where to call, everything gonna be fine" i kissed her again and exited the car and headed into the hell that adults called school.

would i survive or would i crack?

In the company of a King (E.P fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now