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     Climb the wall or find another way around? That was the question you asked yourself, which you quickly answered, wall. You attempted to climb the wall, as you were at the top (cause you wouldn't stop 'till you dropped. . . sorry) you jumped off the wall. Yells and grunts of annoyance could be heard from the to skeletons behind you. When you heard the footsteps runing after you, adrenaline kicked in and you ran faster than you thought you could. Only to run into another skeleton! With an 'oomph' you fell to the ground. Once again, curiosity got the better of you as you looked up at the skeleton you bummed into. He looked like Classic and Edge, he was just dressed.... differently and more exposed. Your stomach once again dropped as you heard the other two finally catch up. Edge was grumbling in annoyance, Classic seemed cool about it. . . kinda, and the skeleton in front of you seemed taller than the other two.

     "Just call me Lust, mmk?~" He cooed as his left pupil turned to a purple heart and purple magic surrounded you, keeping you in place. "I see your wall idea failed Edge~" "Hmph, I told ya we shoulda just made it bigger." To you, the way Edge talked seemed to make him look like he was one of those stereotypical gangsters, and Lust's way of taking made it look like he was constantly flirting. "We couldn't find enough bones~" "We coulda just asked-" "How about we stop arguing?" Classic interrupted kinda calmly, it was obvious he was tired. You let out a surprise yelp (apparently your part dog now, jk XD) as you werre suddenly lifted into the air by the purple magic. No matter hoe much you struggled, you couldn't escape the surrounding magic. But, the whole time you were being carried in the air right beside Lust as the three skeletons walked; that trip was silent.

     At some point, you gave up, seeing as you stopped struggling; Lust made a purr like sound as if he was a cat. (Hm..... cat, no. Dog, yes... you'll see what I'm planning for future chaptehs soon >w<) "Submitting already~" He teased, all you could do was glare at him as you four finally approached a house. When Lust opened the door, your mind finally came to a conclusion. This was just like the Toriel situation, excpet with Sans'. The only one you really recognized was the one all wrapped up in vines as if he were being possessed by the flower coming out his eye. The others, you hardly recognized. All you could hypothesize is that this was gonna be a doesy.

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