[A/N] Cri Evereh Tiem

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Guys, I know you're wondering why I've been avoiding updating this, welll because. . . this book may only have three more chapters before this book comes to a conclusion. . . BUT WAIT! HOW ABOUT WE START A KIDNAPP SERIES! Liek, certain characters can get kidnapped by other characters. Like, someone's oc being kidnapped by a different selection of Undertale AUs me no add in here. I know dose reaper and geno fans would love to see some ship action happen :D

so yeah, If you want your OC to be featured in the next book, if I make it, plz tell meh the discription of that OC below! I guess, if I go with this plan, we'll have two slots available, I'll pick at random and then, boom votes. But first let's see who the cast of Sans' WOULD be if I made this book.


wowie, hey, aren't these like, the contestants that lost previous votes? Dayum dey are, and I can sneak in some Paperjam too! You know, gotta have the old cast somewhere so yeah. Oh, another thing, I  swy but rules shall beh listed if u want ur Oceh in nxt book.

1. I will NOT be picking OCs off of a friendship basis thing, this will be fair.
2. Description of OC must include; hair color, eye color, name, what they look like, what they act like, and their species.
3. Remember the slots for this will onleh be available for two-three OCs.
4. The deadline to get this in is in 1-2 weeks.

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