Chapter 24- Leaving?

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"SERIOUSLY?!?" You exclaimed as tears nearly fell down your eyes. "Of course.~" "Heh, everyone voted in your favor kid." "I'LL MISS YA HOMIE!" "Of course you will." G sneered in envy. This caused you to giggle a little. You were just so happy to be free at last. Although, you had to admit you would be missing all of them. Mostly- all of the sudden Edge popped out of nowhere and tackled you. Whimpering, obviously not wanting you to go. You smiled warily as you bent over and petted Edge. Edge nudged your hand, trying to enjoy the pets.

    It was surprisingly hard for you to leave the Sans'. You looked back at the house you were walking away from. There stood the Sans' standing in front the house watching you leave. Some waved goodbye when you looked back, the others just flashed you a look. Smiling, you waved back. As you resumed leaving, a familiar bark sounded in the cold. It was none other than Edge, he ran up to you and nudged your leg with his head.

    As you look down you saw Edge having a spare jacket. He gestured it towards you. "You want me to have it?" You asked, I mean. Edge gave you a bark that probably meant, "DUH!" Thanking him you took the jacket and put it on. Warmth finally began spreading through your body as you sighed in relief. With one final goodbye and thanks, you officially resumed your leave.

[Lelz, time to ruin the sappy scene and GET TO THAT SWAPFELL LEMON]

    It was awhile before you kinda somehow got lost. Looking around, you noticed a tall, familiar looking skeleton. It was the same one that took you back to the house when you tried to escape. Anger seemed to brim at your mind as you remembered the migraine you got from that lovely drag across the snow covered area.

    Soon, you realized him looking your way. Now, you were unsure on what to feel. Suddenly, just like that, POOF he appeared right infront of you. "Hehehe~ Looks like you have you collar off." He chuckled. Before you could say anything, you were rammed  against a tree by him. You gasped and looked at him. He was smirking as he examined you up and down.

    "L-LET ME GO!" You sneered at him. He didn't even look surprised infact, he only showed amusement. This made you nervous, as he began reaching for your jacket. You glared when the jacket was thrown somewhere. But that glare didn't last long as you felt your shirt being lifted. You gasped as the cold air hit your exposed chest. "Cold?" The tall skeleton asked with a smirk.

    Angry, you gave him no answer as you looked away. Which you instantly regretted as you felt a burn piercing your stomach. You screamed at the pain. When you finally looked back at him, he had his cigarette in between two fingers. "Chill out kid." He began with a chuckle. "Heh, your lucky I'm not m'lord. . . he would've done worse." You gulped as you remembered the other skeleton. It wasn't easy forgetting Blueberry. . . . You guessed the same went with the skeleton that looked like the Blueberry and tall skele-wolf love child. "Now, I'll ask you again. Are you cold?" The tall skeleton asked in a husked, lustful tone.

    He had his boney hand around you throat. In that hand he had the cigarette a few centimeters away from your throat. Did something he didn't like, and he would burn your throat next. You considered it would be smart to answer him this time. "Y-Yes. . ." You stuttered nervously. His smirk grew wider at your answer. "Then maybe my cum will warm you up." He chuckled. Your eyes widened as you were about to let out a plea, only to hear another familiar voice. "THERE YOU ARE PAPYRUS! WHY AREN'T YOU AT YOUR STATI-" He stopped when he saw you pinned against the tree. "AHHH YOU HAVE A HUMAN.~" He laughed as he shooed the tall skeleton. To which he dropped you in the cold snow as he moved to the side. You groaned when you hit the cold ground. "Okay human, here's a deal. Be obedient for a bit, then we'll give ya something you might want. Got it?"

    You forgot how you got where you were. All you knew was that you were about to have another hell of a time. The short skeleton said to just call him 'master'. The tall one to be called 'Honey'. You were also in a BIND. In your mouth was a gag, your hands tied behind your back as you were stood up and hunched over, legs forced apart by a weird rod attached to your ankles, and being held up by chains. Your new jacket, the borrowed shirt, and pants on the other side of the dungeon. It looked like a sex dungeon kinda tibia honest. In front of you was Honey and Master, neither of the two had clothes on except for pants. What was weird, the fact Honey had a pair of orange, ectoplasmic boobs. (Don't judge meh and my beliefs of the canons.)

    They haven't said any words since you've been down here. It was clear they were keeping it that way as Master walked behind you and Honey stood to your side. Now, you couldn't really see either of them. The gasp you let out was muffled as you felt a slimy tongue run along your neck. You heard a chuckled before you felt the tongue lick your neck again. Then, you groaned as you felt fangs nibble your neck. Bare-BONED hands tangled themselves in your (H/C) (Hairstyle) hair. Next, you shivered as you felt gloved hands run along your back. You could only feel the fingertips though. They were sure teasing the hell out of you.

    "Heh, m'lord will only give you what you want if ya beg.~" Honey chuckled as his nibbles grew more soft. Your groans made it obvious you wanted more. Both of the edgy, swapped skeletons could clearly see that. Finding it hopeless to hide it, you began to beg. "P-Please, Master." The beg was muffled. "PLEASE WHAT?" He chuckled in an amused tone. "P-Please, touch me more." Once again, muffled. After you said that, they both stopped, leaving you bare. "PLEASE DAMMIT!" You couldn't help but let out a muffled scream of need. One of them snickered, the other let out a satisfied huff as you finally felt the touches resume.

    Master's gloved hands ran along your sides, making you buck your hips. Soon, you felt Honey's fangs sink into your neck. Causing you to let out a muffled scream of pleasure and pain. A familiar feeling tongue licked away the blood. Then, Honey began sucking on your neck. Meanwhile, Master's hands caressed your inner thighs. All you could really do was let out needy moans. Instinctively, you flinched as two gloved fingers rubbed you in between your folds. "WET ALREADY?" Master laughed you heard a zipper. Now, you knew the real 'fun' was about to begin.

    You felt Honey removed the gag before forcing three boney fingers in your mouth. "Suck." He demanded as he moved in front of you. Obediently, you sucked on the fingers. Surprisingly, you felt a taste when you did so. Unsurprisingly, the taste wasn't really pleasant. Next thing you knew, you were left letting out begging pleas as Master rubbed his ecto-dick in between your folds. They were clearly amused, according to their silent chuckles that echoed throughout the dungeon.

    Soon, Honey unzipped his pants. Revealing an orange, ecto-dick. Removing his fingers from your mouth, he stroked the dick as he stood in a position he felt was comfortable so his dick and your mouth were at the same level. "Open your mouth human." He said as he held your hair and brushed his dick against your lips. When you refused, Master harshly thrusted into you, causing you to let out a pained scream. Giving Honey an opportunity to force his dick into your mouth. After a bit, they both began thrusting in a pattern. When Master thrusted into you, Honey thrusted out. Honey thrusted in, and Master thrusted out. They continued that pattern for a long time.

    Sounds of moans and pleasured grunts drowned the dungeon. Finally, you felt Master thrust into a certain spot. This made you let out a muffled, loud moan; giving him a sign to thrust into that certain spot. Their thrusts grew ruthless and animalistic as their dicks swelled. You moaned as you felt yourself being stretched by Master's swollen cock. Digging their claw-like hands into your hips and head, they thrusted harshly into you, both in sync. With one final thrust from both of them, they came into your mouth and pussy. You attempted to swallow as much of Honey's 'ectoplasm' as you could.

    How they kept carrying you to these places without you knowing, you couldn't figure out as you stood in front of two large doors. Honey stood next to you, as he finally handed you the jacket the Sans' gave you. 'Master' didn't CUM with you guys. Finally, you were leaving this place.

But that doesn't mean you escaped this series. You'll figure out what I mean next chapter. Oh, and I'll tell you guys the winners of who's OCs will be in the next story then as well.

BTW, swy I missed the date I said this would be published. . . My life loves to throw a bunch of shit my way, also I'm trying to get used to only seeing out of one damn eye. As well as making another damn book of random lemons.


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