Chapter 22- Dammit You Two

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        You couldn't believe you may have just heard a threesome between, Lust, Horror, and somehow, a very drunk Error. To be honest, you'd preferred Horror's moans over Possessed's anyday. Despite that, your mind was still dizzy about the subject of it all. You hated being dragged like that, actually, that was probably the reason your head hurted so much.

       It was probably the dizziness that made it hard to hear the conversation between the Sans'. All you could make out of it was that if all the Sans were planning on letting you go once all the Sans voted yes. You would be joyfull if it weren't for the headache. (RANDOM FACT I MADE A NEW SHIPPING LUSTxHORROR 101 DON'T FUCKING JUDGE ME ):V) You looked over as Edge sat down right next to you. Looking over, you could see a slightly jealous Classic on the other side of the couch. Jealous that Edge sat next to you instead of him. You sore if he had skin, he would be making a puffy face. Edge's snores were soft and light, obviously, cute as well.

Horror's fingers tapped in a row on top the table as his head lied in hand enjoying the view he was getting. "Horror, I don't see it.~" Said an irritated, bent over Lust. "You sure? Oh, maybe it was in the lower compartment." "Horror, what are you playing a-" Lust's eyesockets went wide as his cheekbones were tinted with a purple blush, he then sprang up and glared at Horror. Then his look softened as he chuckled a bit. "You sneaky nightmare.~" Lust said with a laugh as he realized he fell for Horror's antics. "Couldn't resist." Horror chuckled with a shrug, causing Lust's blush to turn to a deeper shadeof purple. "Actually, they were in the freezer in the basement the whole time." Horror admitted. His eyes followed Lust as the skeleton left the kitchen and began his search in the basement.

         Error glared at Horror as he watched Lust go into the basement. "rEaLLy?" "Hehehe~ He said he would do anything.~" "sO?" "If Lust was Ink and you were me, you'd give in just as he easily." ". . . yOU'rE rIgHT. . ." Error said with a sigh as he stood up, only to run into a mad Ink. "That's not nice Error!" "aW cOmE oN, jUSt HaVInG a LiTtLE fUn wItH HiM." "So!?!" "fInE, I wOn'T dO iT aGAiN-" "Don't you dare-" "iNky.~" "UGH! ERROR I WILL MAKE YOU PAY SOMETIME TODAY!" Ink said as he stormed off.

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