Chapter 5- Which One to Trust?

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      You glared at the possessed Sans as his smile grew wider at the sight of you. Before you could scream at him, you fell to the ground with an "OMPH!" you glared at Lust, he only shrugged and poofed away. Classic sighed as he stood infront of you; you could hear Edge securely, lock the door. As you sighed in defeat, realizing that you weren't leaving anytime soon; you turned your attention to Classic. "Since you can tell, you aren't leaving for awhile, might as well introduce ya. The one with red eyes and smashed in skull is Horror. Blue battle body suit is Blueberry. The one that's running around like a mad man and fancy dressed is Butler. Glitchy one is Error. Painter one is Ink. Tall one is G. Guys, meet (Y/N). You seemed to have already met Possessed, Lust, and Edge. Any questions?" ". . . . . A bunch." "Hehe, ask, Possessed then. I'm going to Grillby's." "WAIT CLASSI-" Great the one Sans you trusted the most is gone. You stared at the other Sans, that soon went back to doing their things.

"Hey, you!" "Hmhmhm, HEllO (Y/N)." "You're the one that attacked me earlier!" "YeS, I dId." "Why?!?!" "HEHEHEHE~ You'LL LEaRN SoOn EnOUgH hOw mUCh HUmaNs aRe vaLUEd HeRe~" You grunted in annoyance as you asked him questions about the many versions of one monsters. The question you definitely got ignored by was- "What are you guys wanting to do with me?" ". . . ." "Just tell me!" "THaT. . . wE doN'T KnoW. . ." "Hmph." You said crossing your arms. You had plentiful of ideas of what they could do with you, in summary, none were good.

As soon as you saw Butler sit on the couch, tired of moving around and cleaning. You zoomed over to him, it would be good to get to know them... You figured the more you know, less likely to tick them off and get something bad for the aftermath. "Hello, Butler." "Hm? Oh, hi." He said drowsily, as he shut his eyes and leaned back on the couch. "You clean alot, don't you think take a brea-" "Nonsense! In my old dimension I was a butler! Cleaning, protecting, all part of the job. It's hard to ware down a bad habit." "Yeah I guess. . ." "Plus if I don't do it, who will?"

The conversation you had with Butler was relaxing, like Sans, he gave of a chill aura. But as soon as he got up to get back to cleaning, the aura changed to a more uptight, organized, and concentrated one. You sniffed the air as you smelled a scent, tacos? Walking into the kitchen, you Blue admiring the length of G. The little Blueberry looked quite smaller than G, well WAY smaller. He seemed to be the shortest Sans. Compared to G, who seemed to be the tallest. Hesitantly, you walked up to them, which caught their attentions. Stars glittered in Blue's eyes as he looked at you in awe. Your guess, he was a cinnamon roll, he just seemed so innocent.

"Hey, (Y/N) right?" You nodded, giggling as Blue circled you so curiously, as if he was a dog. "Heh, your cute aren'tcha?" You unwillingly blushed at the compliment. Then, cursed mentally at yourself for doing so as you heard G chuckle. Blue's aura gave the atmosphere a light. He seemed to give off a happy, curious, innocent, and energetic aura. G, gave off a chill aura; just like Classic, and Butler when he was resting at least. G, winked at you as he left the kitchen, causing your blush to deepen. Blue poked your side, attempting to get your attention. You looked down at him, despite your situation, you couldn't help but smile at him. His aura seemed to light the houses atmosphere, it was impossible to at least grin at the aura he gives off. You could tell you were gonna like him the most.

Blue seemed to ask you questions for hours, soon, he sniffed the air and ran back over to the stove. He seemed to be setting up ingredients for tacos. Luckily, this brought you a little more hapiness. "DINNER IS READY!" The lil' Blue Sans yelled in excitement. You jumped in surprise as you ran into Horror. His aura, wasn't pleasant, it just sent shivers down your spine. His creppy grin, red left eye, smashed in skull, geez; you made a mental note to try to tick him off as less as possible. You sighed, guess you were gonna have to talk to Error and Ink after dinner, plus it seemed edible.

So far, you figured out the aura and personalities of Blue, G, Possessed, Edge, Classic, Lust, Butler, and Horror's goes without saying. Now you just have to figure out Ink's and Error's personality and aura then you gathered enough information, but what caught your attention was Edge. When he came home, he had wolf ears and tail, and was walking on all fours. Unfortunately, he couldn't talk, only make sounds and signs like a dog; soon, everyone gave up trying to figure out. You sighed, Error and Ink, then you'll be done.

You found Error... stalking... Blue. It was kinda stalking.... you looked at him curiosly as he looked back at you. His black skull was covered in a tint of yellow, as he looked around, embarrassed. "WHAT! Uh. . ." "Were you stalking Blue?" "NO!" "Wow, your in love~" His eyes had the word Error in them, you decided to apologize for the teasing, it was a bad idea. His aura, was a bit.... glitchy. Finally, you found Ink in his messy room, the floor was covered in drawings, the walls were splashed with colors. His aura was creative, and all over the place.

FINALLY! You've met them all, now, rest. That's what you needed, rest. But apparently the Sans' weren't allowing you to be alone. So, they asked you a question that sent your mind spiraling. "Who are you sleeping with?"

HELLO READERS! This is a Sans' x Reader fanfic, right? So you're decision, who shall you sleep with?
Wolf Edge
Gaster Sans (G)
Decide in the comments, put the name of which Sans you want to sleep with in the next chapter in a commemt within the comments. Also, should I add another Sans? If you think so, put their name in there as well. I know a number of Undertale AUs, so I'll most likely be able to add them perfectly well.

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