Chapter 19- Back to Hell

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      You dodged every attack from Error the best you could, it was difficult. Soon, you came up with a different idea. Mustering all your remaining energy and strength, you chucked the large branch at Error and ran. Your adrenaline kicked in as you heard him chase you. Wanting to get futher and out his magic's grasp, you tried to sike him. At some point, you began to grow tired. After a few more desperate attempts, you finally siked him. You climbed a tree and sat there for some time, you were exhausted.

        You guessed you fell asleep when you opened your eyes to find yourself staring at some sort of Sans. He had a crack around his eyesocket, was wearing some form of battle body armor, like Blueberry's, but he had some jagged teeth, kinda. He narrowed his eyesockets as you before stand fully up with a huff. "YOU WALKED ON THE WRONG PIECE OF THE FOREST HUMAN." He sneered as another skeleton walked up beside him, he was way taller. He looked like that one skele-wolf's and Blueberry's love child. "Do you want me to take it back m'lord?" "OF COURSE!"

        You hated the way the tall skeleton carried up you. Your nose wrinkled at the disgusting smell of cigarette smoke, and another odd smell. Soon, you guys arrived and he rang to doorbell. The only way you knew it was G was because of the silhouette of his shadow that was left in the snow. "Oh lookie, (Y/N) returned." G chuckled as he literally dragged you by the legs inside, it hurt the way you hit the ground though. Then, you were thrown on the couch as all the Sans attention turned towards you. You slumped into the couch as you looked around. Soon, it was decided that you'll sleep with Butler.

[I'm lazy so have the rest of chapter in form of roleplay since it iz where I got the idea XD]

(Error: wE dOn'T hAvE bEdTiMEs.)
(Butler: But you guys don't ever sleep!)
(Classic: Okay, what about you?)
(Butler: I need to finish cleaning. And don't make up excuses to help, cause you won't. *sighs* Blueberry, bed time.)
(Blueberry: MWEH, I DON'T WANNA. . . FINE. *follows Butler*)
(Butler: *tucks Blue in, turns of lights and closes door* . . . CLASSIC, EDGE!)
(Classic: Naw, we're fine down here- HEY!)
(Edge: *barks in protest*)
(Butler: If I let you two sleep together, will you go to bed?)
(Classic, Edge: *slowly nod*)
(Butler: Great!
*skeleports them to Classic's room, tucks Classic in, places Edge next to Classic*)
(Edge: *snuggling*)
(Butler: Night.~
*turns off light as he leaves*)
(Classic: *hugging Edge like a teddy bear*)
(Butler: Chess, time for bed.)
(Chess: *ignoring as he plays on his phone*)
(Butler: . . . Okay, how about when I'm finished tucking everyone else in, I'll play a game of chess with you.)
(Chess: *sets down phone*
Now we're talking.~)
(Butler: I win, you go to bed. I lose, . . .
If I lose, I'll do whatever you want.)
(Chess: Good, thingyou didn't say I could just stay up. Cause then I would've said no, so deal.)
(Butler: ~I just dug my grave~
Error, time to go to bed.)
(Error: nO.)
(Butler: *sighs* Why not?)
(Error: bEcAUsE.)
(Butler: *uses magic to carry Error, goes up to Ink's room*
Ink, no more drawing, bedtime.)
(Ink: Hm- OH! UHHH! o//o
*not wearing a jacket or shirt so the top part of his body is exposed*)
(Error: *apparently not paying attention*)
(Ink: ~I'm shirtless and he still ignores me!~
*grumbling as he lays down*)
(Butler: *places Error beside Ink, tucks them in*
Now, sleep.
*turns off lights and closes door as he walks out of room*)
(Error: *still not even looking at Ink*)
(Ink: ಠ_ಠ)
(Butler: Possessed, G; bedtime.)
(Possessed: nO! I dON't WAnNA.
(Butler: ~He still is somewhat Flowey, aka, Asriel, ask, a child.~
Please go to bed.)
(Possessed: i'M nOt TIrEd.
*yep, still whining*)
(Butler: Bed, unless you want to be in trouble mister.)
(Possessed: fInE!
*crosses arms and storms to room*)
(Butler: G-)
(G: Nope.)
(Butler: I will chain YOU to a bed if you don't.)
(Lust: Oh, I like that image.~)
(G: Fine.
(Butler: *teleports to Possessed's room, tucks him in, turns off lights closes door. Does the same with G.*
(Fresh: No way daddie-o.)
(Butler: ~Am I really- ugh. Guess there's no helping it.~
But, homie, you might wake up like Edge if ya dont, bro.
~I really hate this.~)
(Fresh: . . . Fine, Imma get to it then.)
(Butler: Without skateboarding yo, save them wicked skills for tomorrow outside though.)
(Fresh: Al'right.)
(Butler: *clears throat somehow and for some reason*
Never doing that again.
*skeleports and tucks Fresh in, lights out and door closes as he leaves*
Horror, let's go.)
(Horror: Hehehe, no.)
(Butler: ~Yay, more of this!~
*teleports behind Horror and puts a butcher knife to his neck *Dis bitch be carrying 'round butcher knives O-O;**
Shall we do this willingly, where you can wake up tomorrow.~ Or force, where you'll never wake up.~
*creepy grin*)
(Horror: Heh, fine, but can't ensure I'll fall asleep.
*walks to his room*)
(Butler: *sighs, skeleports, tuck 'em in, lights out door closes as he leaves*
Okay Chess, let's play.)

<1 hour later>

(Chess: Dammit.
*storms to his room grumbling*)
(Butler: *skeleports, tuck 'em in, lights out door closes as he leaves*
There, done. Now I can finish cleaning.)


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