Chapter 25- Cliche Cliffhanger Anyone?

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Nira: neko human thing ye

Looks like: Black girl, 4'7, wears a black hoodie with green flame patterns on the ends. Dark blue jeans, eye colors are right eye is black and the other is green. she has two kitten ears coming out of her hair, which is jet black down to her knees with green tips. Has a fluffy tail poppin out a hole in her jeans, - COVERING DA BOOTIE -

Personality: DERPY, AF. has a shit ton of energy and is NOT a cinnimon roll at all. But when she is needed, will do whatever the hell it is for whoever needs it. Constantly trying to earn approval of people, which make her seem weak and clingy. But i'm hella sure she's not. Shes also a huge flirt. Two words out of her mouth could make someone die of blush. Ayy lmao


species: angel
personality: friendly, nice, sweet, innocent, doesn't let people push her around, twin of Crystal, BFF of Oak
looks like: a golden halo, long purple hair that goes down to her waist, pale skin, dark green eyes, a white heart under her left eye, (her soul white meaning pure) big white wings with blue edges, white gloves, a blue & white striped scarf, a golden heart shaped locket, a short pink fluffy dress, black leggings, and white sparkly sneakers.

Oc name: Aphroditey
Species: Neko/cat girl with angel wings. (Aka Hybrid of a cat girl and an angel)
What she looks like: my profile pic.

Blue eyes, blue hair, blue tail and cyan cat ears, wears a shirt that says "I solemnly swear that I'd rather be sleeping" in white letters. Black shirt.
Ripped jeans and on special occasions she wears fingerless gloves with broken hearts on the palm.
Angel wings have a light gray outline, furry tail.

Kind of person: funny, a bit shy around certain people, a

When you saw your group of friends, the first thing you did. YOU FUCKING SLAPPED THEM ALL IN THE HEAD! You heard their chorus of "OW"'s. "THAT ONE WAS WELL DESERVED!" You screamed in anger at them. A girl wth blue hair was the first to turn around. "OW- oh uh. . . ." "GIRL YOU SURVIVED!" Exclaimed your other excited friend as she tackled you to the ground. "Nira get off me!" You tried to push her off as you wheezed a bit. Having the air slightly knocked out of you. "Yay you came back!" Said a relieved purple haired, pale girl.

You answered your three friends' questions as you guys walked to your apartment. They all were very curious about the jacket especially. When you managed to get to your apartment, they let themselves in, still wanting answers to questions they had for you. At some point you four realized your three friends were gonna stay the night. So, they went to their apartments, who said you guys couldn't have a sleepover? No one, who said this series and your adventures were gonna end? Once again, no one.

HELLO PEOPLE WHO LOVE DIS BOOK! UNFORTUNATELY THIS IS THE END- or is it? "Cliche much?" Yes, yes I am. Sorry on how late the updates for this book has been. I've started on other books, like a book full of song lyrics. "Murdered Love" I'm also trying to get back on the ask series and the Sansby book as well so yeah. But hey at least the kidnapping series may continue and now you guys can still vote on which route to take. Cause that system I've been doing, apparently a lot of people enjoy. Anyway, those three up there? Oh well they're the winners so now their OC's will be in the next book. Also, the series continues in the 'Ask/Dare the Sans'' or something like dat. Another thing I was thinking of actually continuing this beautiful kidnapping series. Now the main question, how? Well, I have a list I want ya'll to vote on.

Right list of set of characters to choose from, here it is.
*Another series of Sans' that weren't in this book (Geno, Reaper, ect.)
*2p!Talia (plz tell me some one remembers this)
*My OCs, (Trust me Imma begin drawing them soon, I mean I drew some of them. And everyone probs met Q.C and Boyarus X3)
*Black Butler
*(basically, if you found a Hetalia AU tell me which one you want. I most likely know it)

This little vote thing shall last until October 25th. So LES GET DEM VOTES IN PEOPLE! XD

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