~22 - Undyne~

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Shout out to xxAnonymousPersonxx
Because she half-inspired me to make this story!

Your pov.


"Yo, what up?"

"Hey, Undyne. It's (Y/N)."


"Not much. Just need a little dating advice."

"Sure thing, dude! Who's it with?"

"Well........it's a friend date with Mettaton."




"What's so funny?"

"You're going on a date with THAT old toaster?"

"A FRIEND date, and yes."

"Wow, okay. What do you need?"

"Should I wear a dress or a tux?"

"Hell no, he's probably gonna wear a dress! Wear a tux."

"Thank god...I do not like dresses."

"Well, he does."

"I know. I watch his show."

"Alright. Good luck!"

"Thanks. I might need it."

Call ended


I will do separate chapters for if you chose Undyne or if you chose Alphys for the date.

Oh, I'm sorry, "friend date."

I'll see ya on the flip side and stay awesome, rockstars!

P.S. Sorry for the shitty Undyne...

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