Story 8 - Session

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"It was like he never loved me in the first place. Like everything was just a lie" said her patient.

Dr. Mann had been patiently listening to her patient's past love life.

Her patient Beth, was almost on the verge of tears. "The moment he realised that he was stabbed. He began talking nonsense."

"But I guess, it wasn't all nonsense, but rather it was him letting out every single doubt, fear & hate he had held in."

Dr. Mann had heard Beth describe so much about her ex, that she was beginning to see his final words' strong influence on her.

"He grabbed me by my neck. He said how he always knew how I wanted to cheated on him. That he hated me for it. and.. "

By now, Beth was literally shaking in grief. Dr. Mann placed her hands over Beth's shoulders. She let out a sniffle & continued.

".. and he knew I was the one who had planned to kill him."

"The only good thing out of the horrible ordeal was, he said he could even see the second guy I had waiting to kill him, if the first attack hadn't worked.

"And ?" asked Dr. Mann.

"I took the other guy down, just before he could get me. I left the place immediately. Tried to forget everything. But obviously it didn't work. Which is why I'm here years later." said Beth.

Dr. Mann looked at the clock.

"Is it time already?" asked Beth trying to smile "I'll be leaving then ."

Dr. Mann tried to stop her "You know.." but Beth stopped her before she could continue.

"I know Doc. You don't mind if I stayed longer to feel better. But let's face it, we'll be having this dance for a long time. So it's no big deal."

She waved a goodbye without turning to look back at the doctor and left the place.


Dr. Mann sat on her couch. She closed her eyes & thought what a brilliant way it was to save Beth.

The guy realized that he wasn't going to make it. He knew she couldn't handle his death. So he did the only thing he could. He turned himself into a monster in front her, so she won't lose hope when she lost him. He was even calm enough to warn her about the attacker, without giving it away.

But there was one thing he didn't consider. When you're whole life changes due to a single event, you begin to scrutinize it in every possible way. Beth did just that. She eventually found the meaning behind it all, but only when she was no longer the same Beth. Yet, the truth had some form of effect on her

These sessions Beth were attending, were her way of coping up, where she would continue her life pretending she never found about her ex. Lying to herself just so she could live the life he wanted her to have.

A tear drop slid across the Doctor's cheek. She wiped it off , as she stood up & thought , "I guess I'm going to need to make some changes to her therapy plans."


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