Story 12 - Something to tell

11 3 4

"I'm crazy." she thought.

"I must be crazy. There's just no way anyone, in their right mind, would be doing this." she said to herself, whilst standing on the edge of a 30-storey building. Then she decided, she didn't care if she was crazy or not. This was about sending a message. To all those who had tried to bring her down. To all those who said she was just a lucky girl with a pretty face & a powerful father. To her life for being a @$#$^ in general.

As she stood there, she could feel her self shaken by the winds. She wondered if it was possible for the wind to be flowing up so high, or if she was just hallucinating out of fear. Once again she chose not to care. Just when she was getting herself ready. She heard a loud bang at door. She almost fell down just out of shock. She knew who was on the other side. The useless goons, who are even worse than those celebrities when it comes to earning an unfair wage.

"Go away." She shouted as loud as she could, but she still wasn't sure if her voice carried all the way to those fools. "I'm in the middle of something important."

"Like hell we're going to do that @^%##%." said one of the guys.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'll be done by the time you fools get the door opened anyway." she said to herself , more than him.

"I'm going to beat the heck out of you, when I get my hands on you." said the same voice. "I don't even care if I end up being dead because of that. You deserve to be taught a fucking lesson. The hardest one you'll ever have."

She looked at the sky. Trying to cancel out everything else & just as she was there, she saw a plane slowly rising up. She couldn't help but smile. She remembered her first act of defiance. She thought if anyone would've guessed back then, that the snotty little brat would come this far. She certainly wouldn't have believed if someone told her. But that's how life works, it screws you over so much that, you can never tell how you're going to end up. But no more, she decided take control. Once and for all.

Once again she looked up & inhaled deeply to gather every bit of energy she could. And then she shouted,

"You #$%^# #@$%# , how dare you look down on me ?

You think you're so great?

Well 'News Flash' you're not. You're #$%^#@ #%$#%. You're not worth a dime.

Just you wait. I'm going to screw you over more than any of you can ever dream of."

She paused to catch a breath. She could hear the idiots standing out losing control, any moment now they're going to break the door.

"And you !!" she said pointing at the sky.

"You think I'm yours? That you can $%^#@ me over like your @$%^ ?

I'm done with you. D.O.N.E. Done. You hear me?

From hereon I'm the one who's going to dictate the terms. You're going to do everything just as I say. Not a bit more or bit less. Just 'exactly' as I say.

You may be the master of everyone, but I don't care. I don't bow down just because everyone else does. You exist only because I exist. The moment I'm gone. You no longer exist.

So hear me, and hear me good.

From now on you will be my $^&*%$"

At that moment, she felt a strong force of wind pushing her off balance.

She had landed back on the floor. It took her a second to process what had happened & what could've happened. Then she started to laugh.

A moment later, she picked herself up & regained her posture. Just then the goons came rushing in.

They looked at her as if they were about to murder her. One of them pulled her by the hair & "Listen up you #%@%$ . Just because your father owns this building, doesn't mean you can go &%$#^#@ crazy as you wish."

She began to laugh again. "Your father may be The Big Man, but you're not. The things I could do to you & get away with, are countless. Do you understand?" he asked.

"That's where you're wrong @&%$# . You can never get away with anything anymore." she said defiantly.

"Come closer. I've got a secret just for you." she pursued.

He simply grunted at her foolishness.

"What? scared?" she asked. "I promise it will be the most important thing you'll ever hear in your life."

The other goons looked at them curiously.

"Come on. You know you want to hear it." she said with a steady gaze.

"Fine I'll play." he tilted his ears towards her, still holding her hair firmly.

"Closer." she said licking her lips & he obliged.

Everyone tried as hard as they could, to listen what she whispered into his ears, but they could make out nothing.

When she finished, the guy had a shattered look on his face. For the first time they saw fear in his eyes. He let her hair go as if he was in daze & wasn't sure what he was doing.

As she walked past him, she said loud enough for everyone to hear. "Take a good look at this place. This is the last time you'll be seeing it as my father's empire."


(A/N : Quick Question :

So, out of the 12 stories so far , which character (& which story) impressed you the most ?


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