Story 15 - Birthday

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(A/N : Warning !!  Very mildly suggestive content ahead :P )

He was at the crossroads of life, but he had nowhere to go. No decisions to make. He was simply there. He felt he had been stuck in that place for years now. He knew he had to do something, but he couldn't tell what it was that he was supposed to do. It was like trying to draw something that cannot be visualized. Whatever he tried was just a weird interpretation of what he wanted.

He would turn 40 in another two hours. He had a beautiful family waiting for him at home right now. A 'surprise' birthday party was being organized as he was driving. He let out a sigh as he thought about how he had to act surprised , even though he knew about it weeks ago.

As he drove past the familiar streets, he had a sudden thought. He knew he had little time, but that was more than enough for what he had on his mind. He steered the wheel away & took a diversion.

Soon his car was in front of a bunch of girls, in a dimly lit alley. One of them walked up to him as he opened the door. He figured her to be around twenty. She leaned forward resting her hand over the door.

"So, Can I help you?" she asked.

"Yes, I want to you tell me who is the prettiest among your friends." he replied.

"You're not going to believe me if I said it was me. Are you ?" she asked nonchalantly.

"On the contrary, I'd believe you without a doubt." he replied with a smile.

She sighed & looked back to her friends and said, "Call Leyna."

She turned back & said to him, "She's a bit pricey".

"Money is not a problem." he said curtly.

"So what are you ? some kind of business tycoon ?" she asked him.

"I'm just an ordinary guy, who is celebrating his birthday."

She shouted at her friend, "Oi !! It's his birthday." The others let a out a small laugh.

"Well let me tell you. You got yourself the best birthday present ever. Leyna is out of this world. Everyone who has seen her once always ask for only her." she said. He didn't say anything & simply smiled at her.

He heard the car's back door open. He didn't turn around to see the girl.

"Shouldn't you be sitting at the front." asked the girl to Leyna, who was now comfortably sitting at the backseat.

"That's no problem." he replied.

"Careful you.." said the girl to Leyna, ".. It's the gentlemen, who turn out to be the weirdest."

He heard Leyna laughing & say "Don't worry Moon. I can take care of myself. And I really think he's a good guy."

He thanked Moon & took out his wallet. 

She pushed it back to him & said, "Just pick me next time." 

 He replied, "There won't be a next time. This is a one-time thing." 

She chuckled & said "That's what they all tell." 

She kissed on his cheek & wished him a happy birthday. He thanked her & drove away with his new companion.

"Make yourself comfortable." he said, still not looking at Leyna. He could hear the faint sound of her taking off her coat.

"So it's your birthday?" asked Leyna.

"Yes." he replied

"Well happy birthday." "Thank you."

That was all the two spoke until the end of the drive.

The car halted at a lodge. "Please wait here." said the guy, still not ready to look at her. He walked into the building & returned after another minute or so.

He held the door open for Leyna as she climbed out of the car. She looked at him & said "Thank you."

He took a moment to look at her. She was prettier than he had imagined her to be. Her dark hair was tied into a ponytail. She was wearing a simple black dress, the kind one could pick up from anywhere.

"You can look at me all you want once we get in." she said. "I'm getting cold."

"I'm sorry." he apologized and held her by her waist. 

"Just act like we're close." he said to her. She brought herself closer to him & rested her head on him.

He received the keys from the Receptionist. "Have a nice stay." , said the Receptionist.

As soon as they reached the room, they let go of each other. Leyna hung her coat up & sat down on the bed.

"So this is not one of my kind of places is it?" she asked. 

"No. It's not." he replied, sitting down next to her.

"So what do you want to do?" she asked.

"Kiss me." he said.

She leaned towards him & kissed softly on his lips. He returned the kiss. Soon the two were kissing passionately. Then he suddenly let go & said "Stop."

"What is it?" she asked.

He didn't say anything. "If you're thinking of going back. You still owe me my money." she said firmly.

He looked at her & smiled. "Don't worry. I'll pay."

"So what do you want?" she asked.

"Just hold me close." he said.

She hugged him and said, "You're weird."

"I know." "Moon was right". "Guess she was."

He pulled her to lie down on the bed. They stayed that way for almost an hour & they were both surprised, that the silence between them wasn't awkward or uncomfortable at all.

As the clock struck twelve, he stood up & searched for his wallet. He took the money & handed it to Leyna.

"There's more than what I charge." she said.

"Keep it." "Would you like me to drop you off somewhere ?" he asked.

"No. I'll be fine."

He was about to leave, then he stopped for a moment. He turned back to look at her. She was getting her coat.

"I'm going to need your photo." he said.

"I'm sorry. I don't do photos." she said.

"I don't want anything weird. Just your face." he said.

"I'm sorry" she said again. She really seemed so.

"Just your body then?"

She looked at him for a moment, as she thought whether or not to agree to his only wish. 

Then she removed her coat.


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