Chapter Three

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The vibration in my pocket and kink in my neck woke me the following morning. I straightened and blinked my eyes, confused. Where the hell was I? A hospital bed set in front of me and I looked up to see a girl with long, dark brown hair and big brown eyes, staring at me. She had a few freckles across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. She looked so small in that bed and she had the blankets practically pulled up to her chin. I could see awe and wonder on her face, but also a little fear. It was the fear that I hated to see.

"You're awake." I stated.

"Uh, yea, you're here. You're Brice Raven." She stated nervously. She wasn't instantly flirting with me, which was strange. She actually appeared horrified that I was who I was. Most girls on campus would kill to wake up next to me, hospital bed or no hospital bed, but this girl looked ready to have a panic attack.

I nodded, "Yes, I am. Do you remember everything from last night?"

She nodded, "You saved me."

I shrugged, "It was nothing."

"It was everything." She whispered back and looked at her lap, before meeting my eyes again, "Thank you."

"No problem. How are you feeling? Did they say whether you can go home today?" I wasn't trying to rush her or anything, but I was starting to go stir crazy. I'd tried to leave a couple times last night, but something just kept pulling me back.

She nodded, "Yes, they said I can go home today. The only reason they kept me last night was for...psychiatric reasons. I wasn't really myself last night, so they wanted to monitor me."

"Don't be embarrassed. After what you went through, it's to be expected. I'm just glad I arrived in time." I tell her and then decided that maybe a little flirting might put her more at ease. So I smiled and gave her my best smoldering eye look, while I asked, "So what's your name and do you go to San Diego State?"

She blushed and looked at her lap again. Interesting. I was so used to girls throwing themselves at me, I had stopped appreciating how attractive a blush could be on a woman. Her cheeks went rosy, which really caused her freckles to stand out, and I truly found that adorably intriguing. This was the first time, in a long time, where I'd had a conversation with a girl that consisted of more than instructions for her to take her clothes off.

She finally spoke softly, "My name is Lillian Salem, but you can call my Lily. Yes, I'm a junior at San Diego State."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Lily. Sorry we didn't meet under different circumstances." I tell her and surprise myself, because I realize that I'm telling the truth. Although, if I had met her under different circumstances, then I probably wouldn't have wasted time talking to her. I probably would have fucked her by now and then I'd never see her again. That thought was pretty depressing, to be honest.

"Um, it's nice to meet you too. I'm surprised you didn't have plans last night. It was Saturday."

Without thinking, I said, "I was heading to a party when I saw you."

"Oh, I'm so sorry! You missed out on your party because of me?"

My eyes widened, "You're apologizing to me? For me missing a party? When you were the one attacked? Relax, Lily, there will be other parties. This one wasn't anything special. My only regret from last night is that I didn't get a good look at your attackers, so we have no way of knowing who they are."

"I know who they are." Lily whispered, shocking me.

"What?" I sat up straighter. "You told the police, right?"

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