Chapter Eight

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"Cut it out, Brat, I don't want to watch this crap. Give me the remote!" Was that my brother's voice?

"Don't call me a brat, you nerd!" And my sister's voice?

"Keep it down, both of you. God, you'd think you were babies again, with the way you're acting." Aunt Lenore scolded as I pried my eyes open. Lenore's eyes widened and she headed for the door, "You're awake. I should let the doctor know!"

I glanced around and it appeared that I was in the hospital. What the hell? Why was in I a hospital? I hadn't gotten hit that hard by that football. Shit, that's right. The same group of thugs who had tried to rape Lily had jumped me, kicking my ass. God, I'd never live this one down when my friends found out. I mean sure there were six of them, but I should have at least gotten in a couple licks. The assholes hadn't fought clean though and got me while my back was turned.

"Where is Lily?" I asked, suddenly remembering that I had heard her voice during the attack, or at least I thought I'd heard it.

"Who is Lily?" Sayer asked, as Lenore returned with a doctor.

The doctor faced me, "My name is Doctor Fabien and Lily is the young woman who called the police when she saw you getting attacked. Lily is the young woman who stayed here until your family arrived, because she couldn't stand the thought of you alone. Lily is the sweet girl who left as soon as your family did arrive, because she said that you wouldn't want her here. It's usually not my nature to get involved in anyone's personal life, but that girl is a keeper and you'd be smart to wise up, young man."

I felt like shit. Lily had done all of that for me, even though I had pretty much kicked her to the curb? I was a schmuck and didn't deserve her. So I lifted my chin and told the doctor, "She's too good for me."

"Bullshit." Lenore snapped, "You have some preconceived notions in your head that you need to get out, right now. Nobody is too good for you. You deserve happiness as much as the next guy. You deserve someone who is willing to wait in a hospital for you. You might think that I don't know about your hordes of women, but I do. I read the gossip magazines and Mr. Star, you've been plastered across the front more than a time or two."

I blinked. Shit, I was so dumb to think that I could keep my college life separate from my family. Of course, I never took Lenore as being the type to read gossip magazines either. Vienna suddenly voiced my thoughts, "Aunt Lenore, you're up on gossip?"

Lenore snorted, "I'm getting older, but I'm not dead and I get bored sometimes. Sue me."

"I want to hear more about Brice's hordes of women." Sayer said, wiggling his eyebrows.

I glared at him, "Don't be like me, Dude. It's exhausting and I'm only just now realizing that my buddy Kael has been right all along. He has been telling me that some girl was going to come along and knock me off my feet. He was right. Lily is that girl. I've been so stupid with her though, so who knows if she'll ever talk to me again. So tell me, Doc, how banged up am I?"

Doctor Fabien sighed, "You're pretty bad, Brice. I'd recommend you take a bench during your next two football games, at the very least."

"What?" I bellowed.

Doc glared, "Look, kid, you do what you want, but you're a mess. You have several cracked ribs, one broken rib, a dislocated elbow, a sprained wrist, and a mild concussion. Don't even get me started on the bruises. You'd be an idiot to put yourself at risk."

"Thank you, Doctor." Lenore said sounding like she was dismissing the doctor and sure enough he left.

"That quack doesn't know what he's talking about. I have to play football. If I don't play, the scouts won't see me, and I won't go Pro. I need to go pro. Sayer has like a million dollars in student loans and Vienna needs to go to college. Lenore, you deserve a bigger house. I have to go Pro." I say, sounding desperate, even to my own ears.

"You listen to me, Brice Raven, and listen well." Lenore said, coming over to stand beside my bed. "You do not owe us anything. You need to focus on what's best for you, not what's best for any of us. If you play football, injured like this, you could hurt yourself even worse and cause permanent damage. Don't worry about me, Sayer, or Vienna. Everything will get figured out and we don't need you stressing, trying to provide for all of us. It's not your responsibility. Besides, missing a couple games won't hurt your chances of going pro. You're too good for them not to want you."

I sighed. I'd felt responsible for all of them ever since mom died. I couldn't help it. I was the oldest, so I felt like I needed to be the man of the house. I felt like I needed to be the provider. Now Lenore was telling me to let things fall into place on their own. It wasn't in my nature to sit back and just see what happens. Sayer, also had his own opinions, apparently, because he cleared his throat and asked, "How long have you felt responsible for us? How long has it been your plan to go Pro to provide for us?"

I shrugged, "It became my plan the second mom died."

Sayer glared, "Do you have any idea how much money I'll be making, once I graduate? I'm only a sophomore and I've already had several Tech companies interested in me. I'll have my loans paid off in no time and I don't need you to diaper me along."

I narrowed my eyes at my little sister, "What about you? You think you have your life figured out, without me?"

Vienna rolled her eyes, "I'll always need you in my life, but if you're asking do I have my future mapped out, the answer is yes. While you've been here apparently womanizing and planning your future around us, I've been writing. I haven't even graduated high school yet and I've already talked to several publishing companies who want to publish my books. I'm moving to New York after graduation. My friend Melissa got accepted into some fashion internship in New York, so we're going to get a place together."

"No college education?" I asked Vienna. "I don't like that idea."

Again my little sister, who suddenly appeared so grown up, rolled her eyes, "I've been taking some college classes at night and I already almost have a whole year's worth completed."

"Wow. What about this boyfriend I've heard about? Aaron or Andrew or—"

"Anthony? Oh my gosh, he was like two boyfriends ago. I'm dating Rick right now. He's in my college algebra composition class and a total cutie." Vienna said with a dreamy smile.

I narrowed my eyes at her and then turned my glare to Lenore, "She's in high school and you're allowing her to date a college guy?"

Lenore glared right back, "You know what it's like trying to tell her what to do. If I were to forbid it, she'd just go out of her way and date him behind my back. Relax, Rick will run his course, like every other guy before him. I swear, your sister changes boyfriends, like she changes underwear."

I closed my eyes, "I don't need to hear that."

Lenore ignored me, "So as you can see, we're all just fine. You need to start living life for you and you alone."

"Yes, so tell us about Lily." Vienna asked, excitedly.

I smiled, "She's amazing. She's so strong and doesn't even know it. She's beautiful, but doesn't seem to know that ether. She's sweet and innocent, so nothing like I'm used to. Unbelievably though, she's so easy for me to be around. I thought, at first, that I might need to walk on eggshells, since she's so different from what I'm used to. She's so easy going and kind that it's nothing like that."

"It sounds like you're in love with her." Sayer asked, wide-eyed.

" way..." I said, but there wasn't much conviction behind it. Was I in love with Lily Salem? I guess there was only one way to find out, but I needed to get out of this damned hospital first.

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