Chapter Four

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It had been a week since I saved Lily and I hadn't heard from her. I'd even driven by her place a couple times, but I never caught her out and about. I dropped her bike outside her apartment door, but when I knocked, nobody answered. I hadn't left a note with the bike, but maybe I should have. Maybe if she knew that I went to the trouble, then I'd get a text message from her, at the very least. I couldn't believe that I was obsessing about one girl in-particular, especially since I'd gotten laid several times this week. The problem is that I hadn't enjoyed my recent sexual encounters. A pair of dark chocolate eyes haunted me. Why hadn't she called?

"If you don't focus, you're going to kill yourself." Kael told me, as he walked up and took the weights bar out of my hands and put it back in the stand. He glared at me as I sat up and lectured, "You know that coach would have your ass if he knew you were lifting without a spotter. You're our cash money, prize donkey."

I rolled my eyes, "It wasn't even that much weight."

Kael shook his head, "Doesn't matter. What's with you lately? You normally wouldn't do anything that might jeopardize a football future."

I sighed, "Have you you know anyone who was raped...or maybe almost raped, but someone saved them in time?"

Kael's eyes widened and he plopped down on the bench next to me, "Ok, what's this about. I know damned good and well you didn't rape anyone. All you have to do is look at a girl and she's ready to strip for you."

"Just answer the question." I snapped.

"No, I don't know anyone who has been raped or almost raped."

"I just wonder what goes through the minds of the victim, you know afterwards. Like, how do they deal with it? Do they have nightmares? Do they seal themselves inside their home and not come out for days? Do they close people out? Is all of that normal?" I asked, in frustration.

Kael was eyeing me and I knew he was trying to piece everything together, but he was clearly coming up empty. He finally said, "I imagine that every person deals with something like that differently. I would think that nightmares and isolating themselves might be considered a normal reaction, yes. Brice, level with me. Did someone you know get raped?"

I glanced around the gym, but we were the only two people there. So I sighed and said, "I don't want this getting out, so it's between you and me only, got it? You can't even tell Gage. You're sensitive and shit. Gage...isn't." I broke off, shaking my head.

"Wow, ok, I won't say anything." Kael promised.

"The reason I didn't make it to the party last Saturday night and nobody knew where I was, is because I saved a girl from being raped...hell, probably gang raped, as there were six of the fuckers. She hasn't called me and I'd asked her to call me if she needed anything. I don't even know if those assholes are behind bars or not, because she hasn't called me. I spent the night with her, in the hospital, and yet she hasn't called me." I tell him, in a rush.

Kael blinked several times, "So, are you worried about her safety? Is that why you want her to call so badly?"

I shrugged, "It would be nice to know that she was alright, yes."

"But that's not the only reason you want her to call." Kael was guessing, I could tell. I debated about being honest with him. I knew he'd give me shit to know that I just wanted to see her. I did want to know if she was alright, but I also craved conversation. Would Kael give me shit for that? I snorted, of course he would. His eyes suddenly widened, making his own assumption, "You actually like this girl."

I scoffed, "Of course, I like her. She's a chick. I love women."

Kael shook his head and a grin formed on his face, "No, I mean you actually like her. I know that you don't give a fig about any of the chicks that you bang and toss, but this girl has gotten to you. She's got your protective instincts raging and the big, bad, Brice Raven doesn't know what to do about it. Oh, this is great! I told you this would happen! I just didn't think it would happen this fast. Who is she? Can I meet her? She's going to be a legend when you wife her up."

I told him dryly, "You're getting so far ahead of yourself, right now. Fine, I like her, but that doesn't mean I'm going to wife her up. As you so eloquently put it."

"Listen to you, using big words like eloquently. Is this her doing? Is she changing you already?" Kael teased. I knew he was trying to piss me off and it was working, damn it. One of the reasons I had avoided relationships is because I was afraid of some girl coming in and trying to change me. I mean, I knew that if I ever wanted to settle down some day, I wouldn't be able to continue banging random girls. So there would have to be at least some change, but I didn't want a girl trying to change who I was. So I avoided relationships. Not to mention, in the past, screwing any number of girls each week had been too much fun to give up. I was scared, because even that was suddenly losing its appeal and I knew that Lily was to blame.

I sighed, "So I should just call her to make sure that she's alright? Then I'll be able to forget about her, right? I mean, that's all this is. I found her, I saved her, and so I'm feeling protective. That's all."

Kael chuckled, "I have no idea how you'll feel, but yes, I think you should call to check on her. She know who you were?"

I nodded, "Yes, she knew."

Kael laughed, "She knew that you're the Brice Raven and she hasn't called you? I like her already."

"Fuck off, asshole." I snapped, but there was no heat behind it. Honestly, I was feeling pretty dejected. Yes, she knew who I was and yes, I was a bit frustrated that she wasn't jumping all over this opportunity. Does she not realize how privileged she is? Ok, so I knew I was a conceited asshole, but any other girl on campus would have already called me before I'd even driven away. Not Lily and that intrigued me.

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