It's times like these
When I feel at ease
Like my mind is free
And I'm no more me
I hate to admit it but
The feeling is forgiven
Like I'm meant to hurt
I guess I'll never learnI'm vulnerable at this point
Not wanting to be joint
Is it real that I'm weak
Or am i starting to leap
Leap away from hope
And the strength that loathes
Me still. I don't wanna be weak
I'm slowly starting to freakWho will save me if I remain
Crippled up in my sea of pain
Floating away like a bottle
That has no where to go
Until it finally shows to
Someone who fills it with mo
Then elites it with feelings again
Awakening it from its drains

Lost Poems
PoetryLove writing, mostly poetry in general I hope this impacts you in a way and if it doesn't then I'm sowiii. Enjoy!