It's crazy how I see the one side of things
When there's more to the picture besides the flings
It's scary how when the truth is bare
It's hard to believe coz it's not fare
Rules are broken so are hearts
We have no clue about the unknown
The true meaning is hidden like a gallery filled with artIt hurts to see you like this
What you don't know is that you take away your own bliss
I can finally understand your ways
That there was a reason for you to end the painBut it haunts you wherever you go
I wish I could make it stop for you but life has other methods that suck your breath until there is no moreI thought you were insane. that you were just being foolish and digging your own grave
But your final words have shown me
How things can be mistaken if you don't know the whole story that you begged for me to read

Lost Poems
PoetryLove writing, mostly poetry in general I hope this impacts you in a way and if it doesn't then I'm sowiii. Enjoy!