Wooshin x Xiao | Hints

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AU- Xiao and Wooshin are both 3rd years in highschool - same age - Wooshin is taller than Xiao -

Wooshin was in his room finishing some homework when he heard a knock at his window. He looked over to see his good friend Xiao. He walked over and opened the window. "Hey," he said before going back to his seat.

Xiao climbed through the window like he did every other time they did this. Xiao and Wooshin have been best friends since they were in middle school. So close they could go over to each other's house when they please. The boys didn't mind and neither did the parents. They wanted the kids to rub off on each other. Wooshin was a top of the class kid that never did anything he wasn't supposed to. Whilst Xiao was the opposite, wasn't afraid to bend the rules and closer to the bottom than Wooshin. Wooshin's mother hoped that Xiao would help him loosen up and Xiao's hoped Wooshin could help raise his grades. Xiao's mothers was pleased seeing as he was not the very bottom anymore. Wooshin's mother still has yet to see a day where Wooshin lies or gets in trouble in the slightest.

"Are you doing the homework?" Xiao asked sitting on Wooshin's bed.

"Yup. Have you done it yet?" Wooshin asked even though he knew the answer.

"Nah." Wooshin gave him a look. "Hey, I had a date remember? That's a pretty good excuse."

"Of course." Wooshin turned from his homework to face Xiao. "How'd the date go?"

"Ugh, horrible." Xiao said laying down.

"Did you do something wrong?" Wooshin asked.

"I don't think so. I guess she just didn't like me. I thought we were having a good time but then she told me I wasn't her type and blah blah blah." Xiao sighed. "Why is dating so hard?" He paused. "Maybe I should try out guys." Xiao joked.

Wooshin rolled his eyes and went back to his homework. "Sorry was that a bad joke?" Xiao asked standing up. He walked over to Wooshin at his desk. "Was that offensive?"

Wooshin was open about his sexuality... Or at least to Xiao he was. Only the two of them knew Wooshin was bisexual.

Wooshin shook his head. "No, it's fine." He stated. "What's with all your first dates going bad? Have you ever even gone on a second date?"

"Ye- wait." Xiao paused to think. "You know what, it's not my fault. The girls are too picky."

"Are the girls too picky or are you? Because a week after pretty much every date you've been on; you tell me you didn't actually like them very much." Wooshin reasoned.

"No I think it's the girls." Xiao said casually.

Wooshin scoffed. "Whatever."

Wooshin sat in his desk listening to the lecture of his art teacher. "You want to pick someone you relate to or feel you connect with." She said about their next assignment. "Xiao, what artists do you feel a connection to? Remember there are multiple types of artist."

"Uh, Elton John and Sam Smith." Xiao answered.

Wooshin furrowed his eyebrows not seeing the connection. "Oh really? How do you feel you relate to them?" Their teacher asks him with pure curiosity.

"They're pretty cool guys, I'm a pretty cool guy, we're all pretty cool guys." Wooshin's face relaxed once figuring out he actually had no reason.

No reason Wooshin knew of.

Two weeks passed since that art class. Wooshin was talking to another friend Hwan Hee. "Hey!" He heard Xiao call from the side of them. "Whatcha guys talking about so intensely?" Xiao asked standing beside them.

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