Gyujin x Hwanhee | Similar Minds

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[request (sorta) : likedeadroses]

-in the same universe as Hints, the second imagine-

Hwanhee stood with his group of friends in the halls. They were all talking about some video game. Except Hwanhee, he was zoned out looking somewhere else... at Wooshin and Xiao to be exact. They were always together and had way more skinship than before. He only tuned into the conversation when he heard someone say; "hey have you guys heard the rumour about Wooseok and Dongyeol?"

"Oh yeah." Another said

"What rumour?" Hwanhee asked.

"You haven't heard?" The guy responded.

"That Wooseok and Dongyeol are gay for each other." The first guy said before laughing.

"Where'd tat come from? They just act like best friends?" Hwanhee asked.

"Apparently out of school they've been seen being all touchy and weird together." He told Hwanhee.

"What just like you and your girlfriend?" Hwanhee asked.


"Why is it weird when they're all touchy outside of school when all you and your girlfriend do is suck each other faces off?" He asked the boy.

"Wha- well. It's just different for them. Anyway." The guy turns back to the group. "I guess that rumour that Wooseok was bi is true huh?"

"Yeah." Another scoffed.

"Whatta f-"

"Hey what the hell Sungjun." Hwanhee interrupted him.


"Don't tell me you were about to say what I think you were." Hwanhee shot at him.

"Oh come on what's wrong. Are you one too?" He asked.

"And if I was?"

The friend scoffed and turned away from him, the rest of the group followed closely. Shutting Hwanhee out.

Hwanhee had no idea that one event would change everything. It'd be the one factor causing him to sit alone at lunch, have no friends left to turn to and many more. Then one day at lunch while Hwanhee was pretending to finish his already finished homework, someone said something to him. "Hey." Hwanhee heard.

He turned to see Gyujin. He was sitting on a chair backwards as he faced Hwanhee. "Hey."

Hwanhee and Gyujin never really talked. Hey we're in superstar friend groups that never really crossed. They had a few mutual friends but conversations rarely went on.

"What's up you're sitting alone?" Gyujin said. "Finishing finished school work?"

"Yeah what's new." Hwanhee mumbled.

"You used to sit with that assho- I mean.... that other guy and his minio- I mean, geez I'm bad at this."

"It's okay I know who you're talking about, and yeah. I used to hang out with them... and yeah they were assholes, kinda the reason we don't really hang out anymore."

"Good choice. I'd rather be alone than be associated with them too."

Hwanhee nodded not sure what more there was to say. "Well." Gyujin started again. "You could hang out with me, and my friends. Only if you want to of course."

Hwanhee smiled. "That'd be great."

One day before school; Hwanhee was sitting in class with his new group of friends. He tuned out of the conversation when he saw Wooshin sitting alone. "Wooseok." He said.

Wooshin looked up from his phone and smiled at Hwanhee. He signalled for Wooshin to come over so he got up and walked over. "Hey what's up why are you alone?" Hwanhee asked Wooshin.

"Uh, Xiao isn't here so..."

"But Xiao isn't your only friend."

"As of late yeah. Everyone sorta drifted away."

"Well uh- I'm still here. I'm sure the group wouldn't mind if you joined us..." He turned to the group hoping for their approval.

Everyone nodded and smiled at him indicating he was welcome.

And so he sat down with the group. It would've been the last time he did but for the time being; Hwanhee enjoyed it.

It was the next day, a Friday, Hwanhee was walking down the hall after school with Gyujin. The atmosphere was quiet until Gyujin broke the silence. "How long have you liked Wooseok?"

Hwanhee's breath hitched. Gyujin's question sounded more like a statement than a question. "Uh... what?"

"I know you like him."

"Who told you?"

"No one I just know."

Hwanhee looked at him puzzled.

"You do what I do." Gyujin started. "You pay extra close attention to him. You're always staring at him and you want to look out for him. That's why you asked him to hang out with the group, you like him. It's what I did."

"What? Who?"

"You know him... you definitely know him." Gyujin said slowing down.

Hwanhee stopped to think. He stared into space thinking what girls in the group Gyujin could possibly like. Hwanhee snapped out of his trace when Gyujin pushed him slightly up against the lockers beside them with his hand resting just above Hwanhee's head. "What are you doing?" Hwanhee asked.

He tried to get out of the position only once to have Gyujin hold him firmly in place. "Do I need to spell it out? I thought it was a bit obvious." Hwanhee looked up at him perplexed. "You. I like you." Hwanhee stared at him blankly but Gyujin didn't move. "I've liked you for a while. I could very easily tell your change in mood once the rumours about Wooseok and Dongyeol started going around. That's why I invited you to the group. Lately it'd started becoming a possibility that you liked me back but after the whole Wooseok thing the other day... I'm not too confident in that anymore."

Gyujin's arms had slowly ended up back at his sides and he started walking away.

"Wait." Hwanhee called grabbing onto Gyujin's wrist.

Gyujin turned back to him. "Yes?"

"I've moved on from Wooshin. I realized that when he sat with us. He's not the one that I want to be with anymore. I realized, that I liked someone else. When I was talking to Wooshin their name just kept coming up... He's tall, cute, extremely friendly and kind. Any idea of who I'm talking about?"

Gyujin kept quiet, Hwanhee smiled. Hwanhee took a few steps to get close to Gyujin. He got up on his toes and gave Gyujin a quick peck on the cheek. "Do I need to spell it out? I thought it was a bit obvious."


Bit of a cliff hanger I guess?

It's been soooooooo long I'm so sorry to anyone that kept this in their library.

On the bright side; the last day of school for me was today (and my boyfriend is leaving for almost two months) so I'll be having a lot of free time to get stuff done

Finishing the list of requests I have is a big one so keep em coming

I hope you guys continue to read and hopefully enjoy

ps who'd want a third imagine to this little series within the book about sungjun??


i missed you guys

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