Wei x Sunyoul | Elevator

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[Request: naegahoshi96]

Takes place before a comeback (you can imagine as whichever you want) - a U10TV episode is mentioned but it's not real, just made up -

Sunyoul approached the practice room for rehearsal. Even from outside he could hear some of his band mates goofing off inside. He opened the door to see Gyujin, Hwanhee and Wei. Most of the noise he heard was from Gyujin and Hwanhee. Wei was warming up while watching the two amusingly. Sunyoul found himself watching Wei a little longer than the other two. "Hi hyung!" Hwanhee's voice broke his train of thought.

"Hey hyung," Gyujin called.

"Hi," Wei smiled at him.

Sunyoul could feel his heart flutter when Wei smiled like that. "Hey guys." He replied putting his bag to the side.

He walked over and stood beside Wei starting to warm up. "Are you excited for next week?" Wei asked referencing their comeback stage.

"Of course," Sunyoul replied. "How about you?" He asked.

"I'm excited, a little nervous." Wei admitted.

"Don't worry you'll do great." Sunyoul told him.

"Thanks, I hope so." Wei thanked him.

Silence momentarily filled the room before music started playing. Sunyoul knew right away what it was. Random dance play. Some of the guys loved random dance play before practice. Judging by the first few gsongs, it was a girl group version. Sunyoul smiled as he watched Wei laugh at the two attempting the dances.

"Let me show you how it's done," Wei said walking over.

Sunyoul found himself becoming jealous as he watched Wei good off with the two younger boys.

Everyone looked over to the door as it opened. Jinhoo and Xiao walked. Xiao smiled seeing the activity. "I wanna join!" He said rushing in.

Jinhoo walked over and stood beside Sunyoul. "Hey," he said.

"Hi hyung." Sunyoul said.

"You look a little jealous." Jinhoo said nudging him with his elbow.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sunyoul mumbled going back to warming up.

Jinhoo was the only person Sunyoul had told about his little crush. Sunyoul had denied any feelings until Jinhoo talked about it with him.

"You should tell him," Jinhoo said quietly. "It's not good to keep your feelings bottled up like this." Sunyoul but his lip and sighed as he looked over at Wei. "Just think about it."

A few days later the whole group was shooting a scene for a U10TV. They were talking about their new comeback. Standing in no particular order, it just so happened Wei stood next to Sunyoul. They listened to Jinhoo as he talked. Sunyoul tried to keep his gaze at the camera but couldn't help but look up at Wei every once in a while. He could feel Wei wrap an arm around his neck and rest it on his shoulder. Sunyoul didn't complain. He leaned against the taller boy as they finished off the scene.

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