Gyujin x Sunyoul | Sound

737 27 8

AU - 'signing' refers to sign language -

[Request: likedeadroses]

(There's going to be some big time skips)

Sunyoul was taking a walk on his day off when he saw a large number of people in a crowd. He walked over to see and hear people asking things like; "Is he okay?" "Sir are you okay?" "What happened?". Sunyoul squeezed himself to to the middle of the crowd where all the commotion was happening. There he saw a man unconscious on the ground. Slowly the man opened his eyes looking dreary. "He's awake!" Another man yelled. "Are you okay?" The man on the ground looked up confused. "Sir you fainted." The man pointed at his ear shaking his head.

"He can't hear!" A woman exclaimed from the crowd.

The man next to the previously unconscious kept talking to the man, volume raising, asking him questions. Although it was quite obvious he couldn't hear. "You're talking too quickly." Sunyoul said walking up.

"Sir I'm a doctor I'm going to have to ask you to step back." Sunyoul quickly realized how obnoxious this man was going to be.

Sunyoul didn't move, instead he kneeled down looking at the man. "Are you okay?" He said while signing.

The man's eyes lit up looking at his hands. "I did the exact same thing. How is moving your hands while you talk going to change anything?" The obnoxious doctor scoffed.

"He's deaf, no matter how loud you talk he's not going to be able to hear you. If he can read lips, he's not going to be able to read yours if you talk that quickly." Sunyoul told him trying to stay calm. "These hand movements I'm doing, it's called sign language. I'm communicating with him and I've done more than you have."

The previously unconscious man touched Sunyoul's shoulder to get his attention. Sunyoul raised his eyebrows at him. "What happened?" The man signed.

"What happened to him?" Sunyoul asked looking around to the crowd.

"He collapsed!" A woman told him.

Sunyoul turned back. "You fainted." He signed causing the man to sigh with a disappointed face. "Has this happened before?" Sunyoul signed.

The boy nodded. "My name is Sunyoul." He spelled out his name as he heard the sound of an ambulance probably coming for the man.

"Gyujin." The man spelled out his.

The paramedics rushed over to the scene. "He fainted but he's woken up." The doctor from earlier told them. "And he's deaf." He added in.

The paramedics nodded bringing Gyujin to the ambulance with Sunyoul following close behind. The obnoxious doctor climbed in with them. "Jung Il, you got fired from the hospital last week you can't come with us." A paramedic told him

"I'm still a doctor." He reasoned.

"We don't need you, he's not in critical condition." The other paramedic added as they argued for a few moments.

Gyujin looked to Sunyoul. "What's happening?" He asked.

"They're arguing about the doctor coming with you." He signed to him.

Gyujin bit his lip before signing, "could you come with me?"

"He want's me to come with him." Sunyoul told the paramedic hoping he'd just believe him.

The paramedic sighed. "Just get in. Jung Il you're wasting our time."

Sunyoul stayed with Gyujin to interpret as he got checked out by the doctors. It turned out to be, just as Gyujin had suspected, exhaustion. The two stood outside the hospital. Sunyoul wanted to stay until Gyujin got picked up. "Are you an interpreter?" Gyujin signed curiously.

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