Camp Mofo

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Jess's POV

I sat in class. All I could hear was tapping from pencils. We waited the last couple minutes until our final exam was over. Finally the bell rung.

"Class dismissed," the proctor says. "Have a great summer!"

'I will' I think and walk out of the class room.

"Jess!" I hear. I turn around to see one of my best friends, Rachel. "Have you finished packing yet?" she asks.

"Yeah, I'm leaving right away," I say excitedly. I can't wait to go to my favorite music summer camp. We walk out to the buses together. We say our good byes as she gets on her bus and I continue on to my bus. I plop onto the seat next to one of my other best friends, Ally.

"Hey gurlllll," she says and I grin as I slide in one of my earbuds. She grabs the other one and I unlock my iPhone. I slide the screen down until I find the song i want. I tap on it and turn up the volume.

"I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me yeah," I sing along. When it gets close to my stop I start gathering my stuff. "See you at camp!" I say to Ally. She nods and turns on her iPhone to listen for the rest of her ride. I drop off my school stuff and grab the rest of my camp stuff. I quickly hop into the car with my waiting mom and jam my headphones in again and prepare for a long car ride.


A/N ok so this is my first story. Sorry its a little short but tell me if u like it!! the boys will be in the next chapter ;D

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