Chapter 3

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Jess's POV

I look up from my phone when I hear the door open. The boys walk in and I smile, getting up and fixing my loose tank top and shorts I have over my swim suit.

"Girls you ready?" I call, putting my finger over my lips at the boys telling them to be quiet so they can surprise the others.

"One sec," Ally calls and they appear a few seconds later. They notice the boys and gasp. "Where'd you guys come from? Never mind let's go!" Ally shouts. We all run out of the cabin and race to the warm sand. All of us slip off our tank tops and us girlies slide off our shorts. The boys run to the dock and jump into the cold water. Me, Rae, and Mal sit on the dock. Ally and Zayn are hanging out on the blanket since Zayn doesn't swim. Adrianna and Sherye are having a splashing war. I watch them, laughing until I feel strong arms scoop me up. I look backwards to see Niall with a mischievous smile.

"Niall no!" I shout realizing what he was planning on. I hear similar shouts from Mallory and Rae and I know they are in the same situation. I feel Niall run to the end and grip him tightly.

"Plug your nose, princess!" Niall says and jumps. We surface and I splash him several times. He laughs and we splash each other back and forth until we both tire and just tread water and talk. A little grin pops up on my face every once in a while and I know exactly why.

Mallory's POV

"Louis no please!" I shout as he scoops me up bridal style.

"Shh it's ok," Louis says. I nod and he looks into my eyes. We slowly move together, as if attracted by a magnet, until our lips touch. He slowly kisses me before pulling away. "Be my girlfriend?" he asks quietly. I smile and nod, unable to form words. He grins and jumps off the dock, still holding me. I swim up and catch my breath. I look at Louis and pull him underwater. This time I instigate the kiss. He kisses back and fireworks erupt in my stomach. We surface again to everyone else clapping. I blush and duck.

"Not what I was expecting to see snorkeling," Sherye chuckles. I splash her and swim behind Louis. I climb on his back and he swims us to shore. We all sit back on the blanket ,snacking on sandwiches and chips Niall and Jess got for all of us. We all talk and I cuddle to Louis. I feel like the happiest person in the world right now.


You're welcome mal lol. So 1/5 is taken now and we'll get 2/5 next chapter hehe. Please vote!!! Love u all!!! ~Jessi

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